AY2021G01A- “PlinkoBingo”

Angel Foo (FOS), Chen Yichi (FOS), Cody Tan Zheng Hao (FOS), Michael Lim Wen Hai (FOS), Zhao Xi (FOS)

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin

Contamination of plastic bottles is a significant issue in Singapore that prevents them from being recycled properly. Uncapping of plastic bottles and pouring away residual liquid within is crucial for reducing contamination. Gamification could motivate environmental protection, so we developed an interactive game board targeted at university students to promote the uncapping and emptying of bottles in a fun and engaging manner.

We designed an interactive Plinko board comprising of colourful elements and lights that users may drop their bottle caps into. The bottle cap would then randomly land in different reward zones. The board also directed players to recycle their plastic bottle bodies in the recycling bin directly besides it. With the presence of the Plinko board, the average recycling rate increased by 19.3%, and the average uncap rate increased significantly to 64.9%. Hence, gamification proves to be effective in promoting recycling and uncapping among RVRC residents.

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