AY1819G57- “Auto Irrigation for RVRC”

Agnes Natasya, Hans Sebastian Mulyawan, Kwan Chen Sheng, Wang Xueman

Academic Advisor: Dr. Florence Ng

RVRC as an environmentally friendly college has many greeneries in the college. To maintain the lawn and the plants, gardeners need to use a manual watering system, watering them manually on a regular basis using a water pipe. According to Kodukula, Prasad & Charles (2005), the manual watering method may cause inefficient water usage. Water is a scarce natural resource, especially in Singapore. Our project aims to introduce a way to reduce water usage with a more efficient method, specifically on the RVRC lawn. After analysing the disadvantages of the existing method, we had created a new smart irrigation system, which can measure the moisture level in the soil and turns on the light indicator when the soil hits a certain humidity level. The amount of water used by the smart irrigation system is compared with the amount of water used by the manual watering system. The data collected from our observation has shown a significant decrease in the amount of water usage when the smart irrigation system is compared to our initial quantitative measurements of the manual irrigation system. However, this observation is limited to the RVRC lawn and is only representative for those particular biogeographical conditions. Hence, further improvements in the future in covering larger scope of area is highly suggested.

Keywords: Water, Water Consumption, auto irrigation

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