AY1819G45 – “Using games to increase students’ learning of sustainability”

Sim Wee Guan Raiant, Lin Zhen Lillian, Chan Tze Cheng Tricia, Abhyarthana Aroop Pradhan, Lai Wei Xian Clemence

Academic Advisor: Ms. Wong Kah Wei

Experiential learning is the process of learning through reflecting on doing. There is an alarming lack of awareness on environmental issues amongst youths in Singapore today, and education is key to curb the issue and spread awareness on the environmentalism movement.

In our project, we aim to enhance the most enjoyable learning activity used in GEQ1917 to increase students’ learning of sustainability. Current activities were solely used to garner interest in the topic. After surveying RVRC students and their experience using learning activities applied in GEQ1917, our findings showed that 48.5% of respondents enjoy games the most. Thereafter we created a transferable lesson plan with elements of gamification and improved upon the gaps in implementation of the preferred learning activity (Go-Fish Game).  We conducted trials on non-RVRC students selected from a mix of faculties. A focused group discussion was held after the lesson to assess their knowledge on the topic. The results showed a considerable improvement in the achievement of learning outcomes. Thus, we recommend incorporating more of such elements in any educational programs which have the purpose of enhancing student’s learning in sustainability.

Keywords: Culture and Lifestyle Trends, Responsible Consumption, Games

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