AY1718G16.3 – “Water Conservation Awareness Workshop”

Chin Shan Ling Rachel, James Pang Mun Wai, Le Huu Gia Nghi, Remus Josiah Wee Sheng Yuan

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin
Industry Advisor: PUB

Water security has always been Singapore’s priority due to its lack of natural resources. This project focuses on re-emphasizing the importance of water conservation by spreading awareness through the use of education materials. Literature has shown that water conservation habits should be cultivated early, and that children learn better with hands-on activities as compared to structured teaching. As such, we have narrowed down our target audience to pre-school children, and chosen the approach of an interactive workshop. The 30-minute interactive workshop comprises the of 1. a Pre-workshop, Post-workshop and Review Survey, 2. Water Saving Demonstration, 3. a Maze game, and 4. a Poster Pledge. Our review survey tested the effectiveness of our workshop by measuring the knowledge retention rate of the pre-schoolers, while our poster pledge will serve as a constant reminder for them after the workshop ends.

Keywords: Water conservation, interactive educational materials, young children, kindergarten, children game

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