AY1718G12.2 – “Meta-Analysis of Student-Implemented Sustainability Projects”

Andrew Tan Jin Shen, Cao Jiahui, Kang Yuxing, Lim Li Ting, Teo Wei Zheng

Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari
Industry Advisor: UCI

Recent research (Cairo, A. 2011; Mcmillin, J., & Dyball, R. 2009) shows that student-participation in driving campus sustainability endeavours leads to dynamic projects and increases overall campus commitment towards sustainability. Our team decided to verify if these findings were applicable to the context of the RVRC module GEQ1917. We explored past and current student projects for the module to identify key advantages and constraints faced by the students in the implementation of their sustainability projects. We constructed survey questions based on research literature regarding this topic, and deployed them to both students and industry advisors involved in GEQ1917 projects. We analyzed the results to obtain an overview of these projects, as well as chart trends in student commitment towards sustainability and key benefits and constraints within student implemented sustainability projects. Overall, our secondary research and primary data both corroborated that the main advantage of student involvement in sustainability projects is increased awareness towards sustainability, while the constraints of these projects ranged from a lack of interest to time limitations. We also noted that most projects led to an increase in overall student sustainable behaviour and commitment.

Keywords: Built Environment & Green Infrastructure, Sustainability projects

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