Fu Ying Qi Nicole, Koh Poh Chuan, Tan Zhe Hao, Tay Yong Sheng
Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay
Industry Advisor: UCI
Since the arrival of dockless bicycle sharing systems in NUS, indiscriminate bicycle parking has become a nascent problem, posing potential safety hazards and aggravating clutter on campus. Currently, the onus has been on operators to remove indiscriminately parked bicycles. Our group’s review of current literature revealed a paucity of user-focused methods to reduce the likelihood of indiscriminate parking. We conducted a survey identifying lack of awareness of bicycle parking zone locations, and lack of motivation to park responsibility as key factors in users choosing to park indiscriminately. Thereafter, we designed two types of prototype signages to determine its effect on creating proper bicycle parking behaviour.
Keywords: Transport, Bicycling Parking, Cycling, Green Transport, Energy