Joseph Joju, Liu Zhaoyu, Man Gurshaaran Kaur
Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin
Industry Advisor: Sodexo
Food wastage has always been a problem worldwide but what we have come to realise is that Ugly Food is being wasted unnecessarily. Due to cosmetic reasons, imperfect fruits and vegetables do not reach the hands of customers and even if they do, consumers are afraid of how they look ‘abnormal’. Our team aims to tackle this problem at the consumer level, changing their mindset and showing them that these fruits and vegetables are perfectly edible although physically imperfect. By doing so, there will be a cascading effect on the supply chain, where the different middlemen would be more willing to not throw these fruits and vegetables away as there is consumer demand for it. We have done this by reaching out to a local farm in Singapore and working with them on a campaign.
Keywords: Food, local vegetable farm, cosmetic filter, consumer choice