Han Jing Yang (FoE), Ngiam Jing Hao (FoE), Samantha Toh Kay Yaun (FoS), Siew Tze Kang, Julian (FoE), Stephen Ow Sian Yau (SDE)
Academic Advisor: Ms. Wong Kah Wei
Industry Advisor: Ms. Agnes Yuen Yim Yee (OSA, NUS)
Imagine an average National University School (NUS) student. He studies Arts and Social Science and lives at Ridge View Residential College (RVRC). He wants to participate actively in the NUS community. He just so happens to be wheelchair bound. Should this affect how the student participates in NUS? NUS strives to be an inclusive environment as evident in its infrastructure and services which support the needs of the wheelchair bound students. By comparing the functionality and effectiveness of existing campus infrastructure and services for wheelchair bound students, our project aims to determine if this existing support is sufficient for wheelchair bound students to be independently mobile in NUS. We will be critiquing the theoretical side of the issue through practical assessments. Our proposed methodology will include using pre-existing information and sources, social experiments, gathering of data through focus group discussions and interviews with current NUS wheelchair bound students, staff from Disability Support Office (DSO) in Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and Office of Facilities Management (OFM), NUS Enablers and RVRC. Our data analysis and insights will give our group more knowledge of the issue, thus, leaving us in a suitable position to recommend improvements to existing policies and infrastructure; and suggest alternative approaches. We strive to partner NUS stakeholders in creating a more inclusive campus in which all NUS students are empowered to actively participate in the community!
Keywords: Transport, Mobility, Wheelchair bound, Disabled, Special needs