AY1617G17C – “Converge and Convert”

Chan Yu Wai, Wilson (Business School), Lau Kin On (FoS), Liu Hang (SoC), Ng Wei Sin (FoE), Tse Qing Le Benjamin (FoE), Yee Cheng Xi (FASS)

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin

Despite years of government-led efforts to promote recycling, the recycling rates in Singapore remain low. In recent studies, it has been found that one method of achieving higher recycling rates was to get people to come together to recycle, and make recycling a community-based activity. In light of this, our group decided to test if such a social event, Converge and Convert, could increase the recycling rates in Ridge View Residential College. We carry out our experiments on residents of Block A and B. Our event will be held at lounge A on Wednesdays on weeks 7 to 9, from 10pm to 11pm. During this event, Block A and B residents would bring their recyclables to the lounge. Our group would weigh and record the recyclables by their categories of plastics, paper and metals. To encourage participants to come for the event and to help nurture the recycling culture, the event will include mini games as well as an unknown prize to entice the residents. At the end of the events, comparisons would be made of the quantity of recyclables in the recycling bins at Block B, before and after the social events, to determine the project’s success.

Keywords: Culture and Lifestyle Trends, Responsible Consumption, Waste Management, social events, recycling incentives

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