AY1617G10A – “Food Waste Segregation: Is it a feasible option for common pantries at RVRC?”

Felicia Farm Li Wen (FoE), Gillian Lim Hui Min (FASS), Lai Shi Wei, Valerie (FoE), Lian Jia En, Frances (FASS), Melissa Anne Lim Yu Ting (FoS), William Tin Wai Leung (SDE)

Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari

The current, unfavorable method of disposing food waste is incineration at landfills. This results in severe environmental impacts, such as the emission of greenhouse gases, which in turn contribute to global warming. Such impacts can be reduced by recycling food waste. However, in order to recycle food waste efficiently, it has to be separated from general waste such as tissues or disposable cutlery. Our project will investigate this idea by piloting waste segregation at common pantries in Ridge View Residential College (RVRC). Over a period of 2 weeks, we will document the success of waste segregation by placing bins for the separation of food waste and general waste. We will begin this effort with an awareness campaign at RVRC using posters to inform residents in the first week. In the second week, we will remove the posters to observe if residents continue to separate food waste without being reminded. On the whole, our project aims to see if we can cultivate a culture of segregating food waste in RVRC.

Keywords: Waste Management, Food waste, Responsible Consumption, Food waste segregation

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