AY1617G09B – “Slow the Flow, Stop the Drop”

Au Kai Lin (FASS), Dong Mai Phuong (FoS), Lee Jingyi (FASS), Seah Choon Kong (FoE), Then Wen Jie Chester (FASS)

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay
Industry Advisor: Ms. Karen Ho Lye Ying (OFM, NUS)

Showering forms a significant amount of monthly domestic water consumption in Singapore households. Studies also show that reducing shower time by one minute can lead to significant savings in water usage. Our group aims to examine whether the time taken to shower can be reduced by installing shower timers in the shower cubicles used by the residents in RVRC. The shower timers consist of 5-minute hourglasses which are attached onto the walls of the shower cubicles on level 3 and 4 of RVRC Tower Block. Data on the usage of shower timer and showering time was collected over a period of 4 weeks using door-to-door surveys. Secondary data based on the water meter measurement of RVRC Tower Block in February and March 2016 and 2017 was collected to compare the difference in water consumption and assess whether the installation of the shower timer has led to a decrease in water usage. The project hopes that installing visual reminders has a positive impact on reducing water usage during showers.

Keywords: Water, Shower habits, Habit change, Shower timers

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