AY1516G08 – “Is the District Cooling Plant (DCP) the future of air-conditioning for commercial developments in Singapore?”

Goh Zong Han (SDE/RST1), Natasha Pearl Low Ming Choo (SDE/RST1), Poh Jia Jun (FoE/EEE1), Sakai Naomi (FoE/EEE2), Teo Geng Hao (FASS/ARS1)

Academic Advisor: Saif Khan | Student Fellow: Lee Juho

The DCP is a system which distributes thermal energy in the form of chilled water from a central source to a large bulk of consumers. It serves as an alternative to current air-conditioning systems in commercial buildings, which consist of individual chiller plants. In this project, we looked into the feasibility of the DCP as a future system of air-conditioning for commercial developments in Singapore, based on factors including economic costs, environmental impact, energy efficiency and government policy. As part of our research methods, we conducted interviews with key stakeholders, participated in site visits to existing DCPs, and surveyed existing literature on the subject over a duration of three months. From our research, we have arrived at three key learning points which can serve as an impetus for further developments in the study and implementation of district energy systems.

Keywords: Built Environment and Green Infrastructure, Energy, Air conditioning, Energy use, Urban living

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