Li Yihe (FoE/CHE1), Lian Jun Jie (FoS/NVB1), Tan Heyi Aloysius Harvard (FASS/ARS1), Tan Wei Shao Thaddeus (FASS/ARS1), Teo Ming Yi (SoC/COM1)
Academic Advisor: Sadaf Ansari | Student Fellow: Kerk Jun Gang
Combined Cooling, Heating and Power (CCHP) is a well-established method of power generation that can improve efficiencies from 59% to 88% (Liu et al., 2014). Despite this, CCHP systems are still not widely utilised in Singapore. Hence, this project seeks to examine the issues hampering the uptake of CCHP systems in Singapore. A site visit was initially conducted at GlaxoSmithKline’s CCHP facility. A meeting was also arranged with the National Environment Agency (NEA) and the Economic Development Board to discuss the formulation process of green policies and their current uptake trends. Issues such as high capital investment costs, low current oil prices and the need for high cooling and heating demands, and legal concerns were raised. Upon evaluation of these issues, we question if more efforts can be made to incorporate a push factor in policy-making to encourage greater adoption of CCHP in the long term.
Keywords: Built Environment and Green Infrastructure, Energy Use, Energy, Air Conditioning