Three weeks ago, a family of smooth-coated otters traipsed into the Keppel Discovery Wetlands for the first time in many months. Basking in the murky waters of the swamp, the otters’ return heralded a gradual but noticeable recovery of the ecosystem from overgrown hydrillas (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1. A family of native smooth-coated otters (Lutrogale perspicillata), which are Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and Critically Endangered in Singapore Red Data Book 2008, returned to the Keppel Discovery Wetlands on 5 February 2022 (credits: Bryan Tan , 5 February 2022)

Figure 2. Invasive Hydrilla plants (Hydrilla verticillata), a fast-growing invasive species and one of the most difficult-to-eradicate weeds in the world (photo taken by me on 12 February 2022)

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