Hello everyone,
Welcome back to my blog for my final blog post (for ENV1101 at least). It really has been an enjoyable experience learning more about something that I hold so dearly to myself and I hope that for those who have been able to follow along, you have too.
To me, the most interesting and insightful posts to write were those that allowed me to gather the opinions of others and see what they felt about the topic of beaches and marine litter too, and I am glad to see that many people shared my love for our shores. However, for the minority who did not, I sincerely hope that you will be able to see the beauty of them in the future in your own time, especially if you are living in Singapore, where beaches are accessible from any point on this tiny island.

In this final post, I also felt that it would only be appropriate to also share with you some basics you will need to do your own beach cleanup.
What you will need:
- Trash Bags or Rice Sacks
- Tongs
- Gloves
- Shoes or Water Booties
- Sunscreen
- A Willing Heart (most important)
In order to maximise the amount of litter available to clean, you will want to check when the tides are the lowest for the day, and preferably during the early morning or evening when the sun is not so bright.
The parts of the beach that are often the dirtiest are parts where there is less human traffic, so in the case of East Coast Park, it would be somewhere like Area G, near the sailing center.
Ensure that when you are filling the bags, you do not make them too heavy, or risk tearing them. Once you have filled the bags, bring them to a dumpster or ask one of the cleaners in the area where you can leave it so they can take it away in their carts later. (Do not worry they are usually friendly and grateful for the help)
Also, it never hurts to bring some like-minded friends along to make things less boring!

To bring this blog series to a conclusion, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of my journey so far and I am looking forward to seeing you all on the beach some day! Do feel free to reach out to me if you need help organising any activities too!
Always remember,
Be the change you want to see in the world
– Mahatma Gandhi
Waving Goodbye
Mark :)
Hey Mark,
Thanks for giving us a starting kit for going on beach clean-ups! I personally have picked up trash until the trash bag broke so that wasn’t too good. Your posts have been very insightful, coming from someone who doesn’t patrol the beaches as much as you. Thanks for the sharing thus far!
Goodbye Mark! Thank you for the interesting blog
Bye Mark!!
Goodbye Mark!