Totality – Nature as a continuum

With the basics of what forests are and why they are important, today we will be taking a deeper look into how forests are polluted. Some pollutants are naturally occurring – for example: weathering and abrasion of rocks, volcanic eruption, forest fires, and aerosol formation are responsible for the production of heavy metals within the…

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Ecosystem Services

Forests are land dominated by trees, in addition to being habitats for a plethora of biodiversity, they provide a range of ecosystem services for humans (as mentioned in previous blog posts). For example, these trees are photosynthetic organisms that produce the essential oxygen for the respiration of all living things on earth. Trees also help…

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What is pollution?

Welcome back! Today, we will be talking more about pollution… one of the many buzzwords that are thrown around as environmental consciousness has started picking up as a hot topic for debate in the world. Before we delve further in, what exactly is pollution? As mentioned in our introductory post, pollution is referred to the…

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Starting Points

Welcome to For Forests’ Sake, in this blog, we hope that we are able to shed light on environmental pollution, and its effects on the forests and us. Before we proceed, here’s a quick introduction of the two of us who are maintaining this blog! Ivy and I (Dylan) are both Year 3 Geography majors…

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