Play a part in reducing pollutant levels in our urban forest!

In efforts to work towards becoming a City in Nature, the One Million Trees movement is an initiative by the National Parks Board (NParks) to incorporate community engagement to achieve their aim of planting one million trees across the city within the next 10 years (National Parks Board, 2020). Increasing the number of trees in the urban cityscape transforms it into a man-made forest, and although it is not a natural forest, it may still bring beneficial ecosystem services to humans, like the prevention of flooding and erosion, and a cooler environment. Most importantly, having more trees would help in mitigating climate change, such as by filtering the air pollutants within our environment (National Parks Board, 2020). By taking part in the One Million Trees movement, you will get to plant your own trees and hence contributing to fighting climate change.

Planting a tree with the help of the NParks’ staff.

If you are interested, you may check out their website for more information about the movement, or sign up for their mailing list to receive the latest updates and happenings in the One Million Trees movement.

Urban forest canopy in Singapore.

About the National Parks Board (NParks): 
It is a government statutory board responsible for the enhancement and management of the city’s urban ecosystem, and they aim to transform Singapore into a City in Nature. As the board shifts its aim from a ‘City in a Garden’ to becoming a ‘City in Nature’, there is a stronger emphasis on restoring nature into the urban landscape of Singapore, where more protection and conservation efforts will be put in to restore natural ecosystems as best as they can, as their primary aim is to safeguard the city’s natural spaces (National Parks Board, 2020).



National Parks Board. (2020, October 06). Mission and History. Retrieved November 11, 2020, from

National Parks Board. (2020, October). One Million Trees movement. Retrieved November 11, 2020, from

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