This one is a doozy, it has two (2) memes and almost 1k words!
You know what they say: “Twice the memes double the effort.”
I don’t think this counts as 2 posts per week, but I’d like to think it does because it makes the stress of falling behind go away for a while. 🙂
Category: Showcase
On Nutrient Pollution, Part 3: Bad HABits, Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) and Agricultural waste
Now before we explain HABs, we first need to understand what algae are. Although commonly thought to just be aquatic version of plants, in truth they are far from that. Algae are an extremely diverse group of organisms and despite their similarities that have led scientists of times past to classify them together, not all […]
On Nutrient Pollution, Part 2: Bad HAB(its) [TEASER TRAILER 4K HD]
Jokes aside, this is something a little different to make this blog assignment more fun. I hope you guys enjoyed it! This is a prelude to a bigger post on Harmful Algal Blooms. While the themes represented in this audio play may have been intended as comedic drama, the reality of it is much […]
On Nutrient Pollution, Part 1: Too Much of a Good Thing
One of the most common forms of agricultural pollution is nutrient pollution. “Hol’up, aren’t nutrients a good thing?” my strawman retorts. Well dear strawman and hopefully reader (in the hope that someone actually reads these), ever heard about the saying ‘too much of a good thing is bad’? Yeah, this is one of those times. […]