Mini Post: Mad about Methane

A small post between larger ones, I shall pass some gas, a small poot of writing about Methane (CH4). Methane is one of the gases the contributes to the greenhouse effect on earth. How does it relate to agricultural pollution? Cattle account for about 75% of methane emissions from livestock and 37% of ALL methane […]

Mini Post: Angry over Ammonia

Ammonia (NH3) is an atmospheric pollutant that has complex and interesting effects on the environment. Despite NH3 being alkaline, it contributes to soil and freshwater acidification by releasing of H+ ions during the microbial nitrification of Ammonium ions (NH4+) to Nitrate ions (NO3−). Interestingly it raises local levels of soil nitrogen, which may actually enhance […]

Fresh From the Oven

Hello fellow student pollution bloggers! I am Justin, a year 4 Life Sciences Major, I’m taking this module as part of my minor in Aquatic Ecology. While life science is generally thought of as biology, to view it in isolation is to ignore the complexity of nature and interplay of between organisms and their environment. […]