The Faculty Research Committee (FRC) has awarded grants to the following projects.



  1. Campaigning, Influence and Development in Post-Conflict West Bengal
    Prof Mohan J Dutta (CNM)
  2. Exploring “Literary” Devices for Poetic Interactivity
    Dr Alex Mitchell (CNM)
  3. Social Network of Southeast Asian Chinese in China in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
    A/P Wong Sin Kiong (CHS)
  4. Slow household adoption of air conditioning by abating local air pollution
    A/P Alberto Salvo (ECS)
  5. Information Intervention to Facilitate Job Mobility among Migrants in Singapore
    Dr Slesh A Shrestha (ECS)
  6. Global identification, spectral inference and specification tests in DSGE Models
    Dr Denis Tkachenko (ECS)
  7. The Theory and Practice of Buddhist Cultural Studies
    A/P John Whalen-Bridge (ELL)
  8. Development Partnerships: The role of international volunteering
    A/P Tracey Skelton (GEO) (Workshop)
  9. Media Across Cultures: Comic Strips
    A/P Ian Gordon (HIS)
  10. Japanese Children’s Social Interaction and Language Use
    A/P Emi Morita (JPS)
  11. Non-Leading States, Aggregated Reactions, and Security Dilemmas during Power Transition
    Dr Chong Ja Ian (POL)
  12. National Identity Database for International Relations Theory
    Prof Ted Hopf (POL)
  13. The Dynamics of Trust and Ethnical Behaviors in Organizations
    Dr Ashley Fulmer (PSY)
  14. The neurogenetic basis of decision making under stress
    Dr Yu Rongjun (PSY)
  15. Constructing Asia: Materiality, Labor, and Capital in the Making of Urban Landscapes
    A/P Ho Kong Chong (SOC) (Workshop)



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