Call for participation in Northwestern University’s Student Global Engagement Summit

Please note that this is an announcement on behalf of our partner university Northwestern. Please direct all queries to the contact person below and that FASS does not provide funding for this form of undergraduate activities. 

Greetings from Northwestern University!

My name is Sean Widjaja and I am writing on behalf of the Global Engagement Summit (GES), which takes place at our Evanston campus, just outside of Chicago, IL, between April 16th and 20th 2014.

GES is a weeklong capacity building summit for students committed to global change, that includes mentorships, workshops, short talks, outcomes, as well as long lasting connections. Delegates come together to understand the challenges of and opportunities for their engagement and to hone their skills and mindsets that will enable them to better plan, execute, and participate in change-based projects.

If you are interested in social justice, community development, social entrepreneurship, and global issues. This could be a great opportunity to foster relations between Northwestern University and National University of Singapore. We look forward to working with you!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We encourage you to find out even more by checking out this video! Students can apply here!

Best, — Sean Widjaja

Northwestern University | Class of 2014 BA Economics, Political Science, Kellogg Certificate in Managerial Analytics The Global Engagement Summit | International Delegate Recruiting Tel: +1-872-207-8768


Information session on SEP to Sciences Po, Paris

This message is broadcast on behalf of NUS IRO.

Sciences Po, Paris is one of NUS’ strategic SEP partners in France and has been one of the most popular SEP destination in France for NUS students. Established since 1872 and also known as Institut d’études politiques de Paris, Sciences Po Paris is highly regarded and recognized as a major social sciences research and teaching institution in France. Today, Sciences Po Paris is an internationally competitive institution of higher education that offers undergraduate and graduate education in economics, law, history, sociology and political science. Other than teaching the fundamentals, the teaching offered by Sciences Po emphasize heavily on methodology and the international perspective. In addition, English-taught courses are available at Sciences Po to welcome students with limited French proficiency.

Want to find out more? Mr. Alessandro Mariani, International Affairs Manager for China and South-East Asia will be visiting NUS next Tuesday, 5th November and he will be conducting an Information Session on SEP to Sciences Po Paris. You are invited to join the Information Session to find out more about Sciences Po. Details of the session is as below:

Information Session on Student Exchange Programme to Sciences Po, Paris

Tuesday, 5th November 2013 

What: Information Session on SEP to Sciences Po Paris, France.

Who should attend: 1st & 2nd year students from FASS and LAW

When: 12:00 noon – 1:00pm, Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Where: ANH Boardroom, Level 1, Shaw Foundation Alumni House (access through Alumni Service Centre)

Speaker: Mr. Alessandro Mariani, International Affairs Manager for China and South-East Asia, Sciences Po, Paris


RSVP is required:

Limited seats available, please register as soon as possible.

Sciences Po, Paris, Master Programme Briefing Session

The Institut d’études politiques de Paris simply referred to as Sciences Po, Paris, is a public research and higher education institution in Paris, France, which specializes in social sciences. Internationally well ranked (214 by QS World University Rankings 2013), Sciences Po is highly regarded both locally and internally.

In terms of collaborations with NUS, Sciences Po Paris has been one of the long standing partner universities for SEP since AY1999/2000. The Institute is also collaborating with NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy to offer a Double Degree programme under the Global Public Policy Network framework.

Ms. Regine Serra, Academic Director of Sciences Po Master programme “Governing the Large Metropolis” will be in NUS on the 31 Oct to speak to NUS students about Sciences Po’s Master programmes in urban studies. The Programme is welcoming students with a strong interest in large metropolis and their governance issues. With focuses on public policy and urban sociology, the programme will provide the students with a professional training. Students with a social science, humanities, engineering or architecture background may find the programme interesting. More information on the programme is available through

Please join Ms. Regine Serra on 31 Oct 2013 and to find out more about the Master Programme!

Date : 31 October 2013  (Thursday)

Time : 2.30 pm

Venue : AS7-01-02  Auditorium (Located at ground floor of AS7)

Thank you.

ASEAN in Today’s World 2014

Dear Students,

This message broadcast is on behalf of IRO.

“ASEAN in Today’s World 2014”  is co-organised by Kyushu University and Ateneo de Manila University.

The 2-week programme focuses on ASEAN studies will be held on 28 February to 14 March 2014 in the Philippines. More details are available at

NOTE: Interested students are required to apply for Leave of Absence (LOA) and NO CREDITS will be transferred.

Thank you.

Invitation to SEP talk on Austria, Germany and Switzerland

This message is broadcast on behalf of the International Relations Office (IRO).

For students interested to go on SEP to German-speaking partner universities

 IRO would like to invite you to join a briefing on selected German-speaking partner universities on Friday 4 Oct from 12pm to 1pm.

The briefing will have a small and informal setting where the following partner universities will be featured. Incoming and returning students will also be present to share with you more information.

Partner Universities:

University of Innsbruck

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Humboldt University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin

University of Bonn

University of Zurich

Whether you are in Year One and not sure yet where to go for SEP or in Year Two and planning to apply for SEP soon, this briefing will help you to make an informed decision!

To register for this briefing, please click on the following link:

We look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Call for application: Winter@Suzhou 2013

Dear Students,

This program provides a comprehensive understanding of China economy and culture, through formal lectures and discussions in NUSRI and local universities in Suzhou Industrial Park, and a series of cultural and industry visits around Yangtze river area.

For application details, please refer to the poster.

Winter_Suzhou_poster_2013_ver 16 Sep 2013

IRO SEP Drop-in Clinics – September/ October 2013

Dear students,

If you are a prospective year 1 or 2 student who is interested in SEP, feel free to drop by the SEP clinic organised by IRO for general advice.

For specific faculty and administrative issues, please direct your enquiries to FAS-SEP email.

DAY/ DATES Times Location
Mon 16th Sep; 30th Sep; 7th Oct; 14th Oct 12pm-3pm Student Associate Room, IRO, Level 3, Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Tue 17th Sep; 1st Oct; 8th Oct 12pm-3pm Student Associate Room, IRO, Level 3, Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Thu 19th Sep; 3rd Oct; 10th Oct; 17th Oct 12pm-3pm Student Associate Room, IRO, Level 3, Shaw Foundation Alumni House


International Federation for Family Development- Call for Internship

Dear students

This is an announcement on behalf of IFFD. Please refer to the flyer linked below.

Internship flyer 2014

Applicants should be entry-level professionals or students of social studies/political science or a related field, who demonstrate a strong interest in family issues and are fluent in English usage (C1-C2 European Levels). And the internship period is from January to June 2014.

Please write directly to the organisation if you are interested.

Ignacio Socias
Director of Communication and International Relations
International Federation for Family Development
Artistas, 2-2º
28020 Madrid – Spain<>