Application Briefing for AY15/16 Round 2 SEP Application Round

Dear Students

The opportunity for exchange beckons once again and prior to the start of the application, we will be talking to you on the processes and some of the things to expect. This will be relevant to all interested students applying for exchange in Semester 2 of AY2015/2016.


Date: 26 Feb 2015 (Thursday)

Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Venue: LT 11, FASS


This briefing will give you some ideas of what to do for the application:

  • Research for suitable SEP destinations
  • Type of information needed to better support your application
  • Selection processes at the Department/ Faculty levels
  • Potential pitfalls that can affect your chances

We look forward to seeing you at the briefing!

2015 NCTU Summer Program (Taiwan)

Dear students,

National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan is offering a 4-week summer school from 8 July – 5 August 2015.

More information on the summer school is available below in the brochure link and posters attached.


2014-POSTER-EN      2015-§é­¶








The Study Abroad @ FASS team is pleased to offer 3 tuition-waiver places to FASS students for this summer school.

To qualify for tuition waiver nomination, please fill up both application forms below and submit to with a copy of your latest transcript by 27 Feb 2015.

Students nominated for tuition waiver will be notified by 13 March 2015. FASS will also forward all other applications to NCTU.

1) 2015 NCTU registration form

2) FASS Application Form – Tuition Waiver Programmes 2015 (NCTU Summer)



University of Amsterdam Summer School (For Undergraduates)

Dear Students,

The University of Amsterdam UvA Summer School is now open for application. At the UvA Summer School, students can pursue their studies in a wide range of disciplines while enjoying social and academic activities in one of the most culturally and intellectually vibrant cities of Western Europe – Amsterdam, capital of the Netherlands. Courses range from the sciences and social sciences to the humanities. Many are interdisciplinary.

For more information on specific courses, go to

Students who are interested can apply directly to the course of choice at UvA. Application procedures vary and are indicated online under each course.

As NUS is a member of the Universitas 21 network and/or LERU network, NUS students may be eligible for a partial scholarship of €500. Please note that this scholarship is administered by UvA and recipients will be selected by them.

Tuition Waiver Places for FASS Students (Undergraduates Only)

FASS has 2 tuition waiver places for the University of Amsterdam Summer School. Students who are interested has to submit their summer school application directly to UvA. Please note that students currently in their final semester (Semester 2, AY14/15) will not be eligible for the tuition waiver application.

To be considered for the fee waiver, you will need to submit the FASS form below together with a copy of your latest unofficial transcript (available in myisis.)  Both documents are to be submitted via email titled” Tuition Waiver Application for UvA Summer School” to by Fri, 27th Feb 2015.

FASS Application Form – Tuition Waiver Programmes 2015 (UvA Summer School)

The 2 nominated students will be notified via email by 13 March.  We will then inform UvA that you have been nominated for the fee waiver.


Waseda Summer Session 2015

(This is a message on behalf of Waseda University. Students who are interested can apply to the programme directly.)

Warm greetings from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

Starting on June 29 – July 23, 2015, we will offer a 4-week summer session for international and Waseda students at the undergraduate level. Students can take part in 2 courses out of 10 which are wide aspects of business, culture, economics, history, politics and sociology in the context of Japan and Asia pacific, offering 4 credits for 2 courses. The classes are taught in English by experienced faculty members from Waseda and visiting professors from our partner institutions. Japanese classes can be taken as optional courses.

We will also organize extracurricular activities such as field trips, site visits and cultural events to experience Tokyo and Japan.

Online application is from February 2 to April 10, 2015.

More detailed information about courses, tuition & fees and housing are available on our website: (Video clip)

WasedaSummerSession_2015 (Brochure)

Japanese government scholarship has been applied for and we will know the outcome shortly. As we will update the scholarship information accordingly, please check our website for updates.

We warmly welcome your students to Waseda Summer Session 2015.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at anytime at


University of Amsterdam Summer Programmes in Social Sciences 2015

This is an announcement on behalf of University of Amsterdam. Please contact them if you have any query. 

This is the list of the Summer Programmes of the Graduate School of Social Sciences. As NUS is a member of the Universitas 21 network and/or LERU network, NUS students  may be eligible for a partial scholarship of €500.

Summer School 2015 at University of Amsterdam

Three unique new programmes:
•             Hidden Genocides: Overshadowed by the Holocaust
•             Introduction into Sexuality Studies
•             Planning the Cycling City

This is in addition to the UvA classic Summer Institutes (for graduate students).

Contact details:

Hidden Genocides: Overshadowed by the Holocaust
12 – 31 July 2015
Introduction into Sexuality Studies
14 June – 3 July 2015
Planning the Cycling City
18 July – 8 August 2015
Social Policies & Pragmatic Tolerance in Amsterdam
July 11-August 1, 2015
Urban Studies: Planning and Living in Cities
July  5- July 25, 2015
Security Governance & Conflict Resolution
June 14 – July 3, 2015
Summer Institute on Global Poverty & Inclusive Development
14-27 June 2015
Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs & Addiction
July 5 – 18, 2015
Summer Institute on Sexuality,Culture & Society
July 12 – August 7, 2015

Call for Applications: NUS-in-Yale Summer Programme

(This is a message on behalf of USP. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Jun Searle at directly.)

Programme Dates: 1 June – 3 July 2015


The programme is a 5-week study stint at Yale University during its Summer Session A. Selected NUS students will study and interact with Yale students, stay at Yale residential colleges and experience various aspects of Yale undergraduate life. Students will select two modules in the humanities and social sciences. More details on the Yale Summer Session are available at (note that NUS-in-Yale refers to Yale Summer Session A only).


This programme is open to Year 1 and 2 students of USP and USP partner faculties (BIZ, FASS, FOE, FOS, SDE, SOC and LAW), with a minimum CAP of 3.5 (Law students can disregard the CAP stipulation, since the Law faculty is not on the modular system).

Priority will be given to Year 2 students.

For selected USP students, substitution credit can be given for one inquiry tier USP module. The two modules taken at Yale may substitute for major/faculty requirements upon approval by the department or faculty; approval may be sought through the usual procedure for SEP module substitution. USP students are encouraged to further develop what they have learned in these programmes through supervised independent study.

For selected non-USP students, approval from home faculty or department should be sought for module substitution/mapping.


NUS provides a substantial student grant to cover the programme fees. Each student selected for this programme will:

  •  Co-pay a sum of SGD 2,500; plus
  • Purchase and arrange his/her own return air ticket, travel insurance and visa.

As this programmes is already heavily subsidised, there will be no further NASA funding.

USP will advise on travel dates.


Please apply HERE along with submission of the following:

  • A one-page Curriculum Vitae (name it as  ‘CV_YourName’)
  • An original essayof max 800 words (Name it as ‘Yale_YourName’). In this essay, describe a research problem in the humanities and/or social sciences. Explain in some detail why you think this problem makes for a good research topic, and briefly tell us how you might go about solving this problem.

As with all USP International Programmes, students need a minimum CAP of 3.5 to apply.

For Year 1 students with no CAP, please leave the CAP field blank.

 Closing date: Sunday, 1 February 2015

Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview. We look forward to receiving your application.


IMPORTANT: 2015 Summer Programmes & Credit Transfer Eligibility

Are you thinking about plans for the summer? Want to see the world and expand your horizons?

You can embark on a short-term study stint abroad filled with adventurous travels, new discoveries and get to know friends from around the world!

Some tips to get you started:

1) FASS Summer School – FASStrack Asia 2015 (22 June – 24 July): FASStrack Asia is our very own summer school and runs for 5 weeks in Special Term II. This year, we are offering over 10 modules by various FASS departments, and one from the Faculty of Science. Some of these modules include a 1-week field trip to an Asian destination (Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Japan and Korea) as well as local field trips within Singapore. Student can take up to 2 modules, and attend classes with international students from overseas. The summer school also offers social activities such as local tours, talks by guest speakers, a Welcome Lunch and Farewell Dinner. For more information, click here.

2) IRO i-SP/FASS Endorsed Summer Schools:  The NUS International Relations Office (IRO) offers a wide range of summer programmes abroad with on-going calls for applications in the first quarter of each year. For more information, please refer to the i-SP website. Don’t forget to watch out for summer places offered by FASS’ partner universities through our emails and blog too!

3) Other International Summer Schools: You can also spend your summer at a university in a country you wish to visit by applying directly to the institution on a full-fee basis. We have enclosed a list of summer programmes below offered by various universities around the world to help you with your planning. Credits are transferable subject to the conditions stated below.

International Summer Schools List. 2015

Things to Note when Planning for Your Summer Abroad:

Award of Credits from Host University for Credit Transfer – Please ensure that credits are given by the overseas university for the summer programme in order to allow for credit transfer back to NUS. FASS will award credits for the modules read and allow for credit transfers only if credits are awarded by the host university. If you are unsure, please check with the Study Abroad @ FASS team. Otherwise, FASS cannot guarantee approval for any credit transfer upon completion of the summer programme.

Special Concession: Modular Credits / Fee Waiver for 12 MCs for Summer Schools – Students can transfer up to 12 MCs from overseas summer schools tuition free during their entire undergraduate candidature in NUS. In order to enjoy the 12 MC Fee Waiver for credits earned in your summer school, please ensure that your modules are mapped with appropriate approvals. The number of actual credits that can be transferred will be subjected to the same rules under the MC Exchange Ratio. Any additional credits transferred will be subjected to NUS Special Term fees.

Distance-Learning Online Modules for Credit Transfers/Module Mapping –  Modules read through online distance-learning are not eligible for summer school credit transfers. Students should attend the summer programme in person at the host university, and are required to map their modules prior to leaving for the summer. This is to ensure that modules are approved by the relevant departments for credit transfer eligibility. For module mapping instructions, please refer to here.

Upon your return after the summer – Credits are NOT automatically transferred back to NUS for overseas summer programmes. Students must submit the relevant documents to the Dean’s Office to effect this transfer. Please do so as soon as transcripts are received from the host university to ensure credits are updated in a timely manner. For credit transfer instructions, please refer to here.

If you have any questions, do drop us an email at

Here’s to an exciting summer ahead!

Best regards,

The Study abroad @ FASS team

Duke-NUS 2015 Summer Program

Dear students,

The NUS International Relations Office have asked us to let you know about an exciting summer opportunity: the Duke-NUS Summer Program 2015 (running 11th May – 20th June 2015).

The program is made up of 1 module (GE3245), which comprises of 2 parts, focusing on Environmental Conservation and Urban Tropical Ecology.  Up to 10 Duke students will come on the program, and there are up to 10 places for NUS students too.  NUS students who are accepted onto this program and complete the module will be awarded 6 MCs for the full program.

Please click on the attached poster for more information on the program, the costs, and application procedure.

Environmental Conservation PosterF (Duke NUS 2015)









Please note costs will be:

~ S$2,200 program fees, plus

~ NUS Special Term Tuition Fees ( (refer to “Special Term Fees”), plus

~ possible additional expenses for food and personal costs

This program started in summer 2013 and proved to be a great success in 2013 and 2014!

 If you require more information please feel free to contact Shona Gillies, Manager, IRO, NUS ( or Dr Hastings, Professor, Geography, NUS (

Please note applications (CV and letter of interest) are to be submitted to Dr Hastings by Wednesday 11th February 2015. The attached poster contains more information.

Thank you for your interest in the Duke-NUS Summer Program 2015!


AU Summer University in Denmark (2015)

This is a message on behalf Aarhus University. Students who are interested can apply to the programme directly.

Greetings from Aarhus! We are now ready to receive applications from your students for our Summer Term running from 1 July – 14 August 2015:

AU Summer University has shown tremendous growth over the last 3 years, since the inception of the extended summer programme.

Starting out strong in 2011, with just over 1100 accepted applicants, the AU Summer University programme has since developed and in 2014 boasted 1516 accepted and participating students from all around the world.

We look forward to welcoming more students in summer 2015!

We are offering 70+ courses within the following academic areas:

Culture and Society


Language and Linguistics

Business and Economics and Business Communication



Science and Technology.

All courses are taught in English at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. Click for AU Summer University 2015 courses

Students must apply online as exchange students (tuition –waived) or free-movers. Please note that prices for free-movers have been reduced this year.

Find your course:



SEP Pre Departure Information – Dec 2014

Dear students

Due to the tight timeline for your exchange, please find the set of slides of pre-departure information (SEPpredepinfoDec2014) which you may find useful.

Also for those of you with questions before your departure, please feel free to turn up at our consultation sessions. Alternatively you may also email us with your queries.

Have a safe journey and most importantly, enjoy your exchange!