SEP Application Briefing for AY2016/2017 – Presentation Slides

Dear students

As promised, you can download the presentation slides from this morning here.

FASS Presentation Slides:  SEPbriefinginformation230915_FASS

IRO Presentation Slides: FASS SEP Info Session (23 Sept 2015)_IRO

Gentle reminder on our SEP Consultation here:




Calling all AY15/16 semester 2 exchange students as well as students who are planning to apply for SEP

IRO’s Peer Advising Leaders (PALs) are going to run the next round of SEP Clinic starting 28th of September. SEP returnees, PALs as well as the SEP managers at IRO will be around to answer enquiries related to SEP. In addition, they will set up a library of materials about the host university and host country to assist students in making informed decision about their exchange destinations.

The clinic will run on every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from Week 7 to Week 10 (28th September to 22nd October) from 11am – 1pm at Shaw Foundation Alumni House, #03-04. It is the first office you see after exiting the lift on level 3.

No prior appointment is needed. Prepare your questions and start talking when you reach.

For more information, please contact IRO at 6516 4356





SEP Application Briefing for AY2016/2017

Dear Students

The opportunity for exchange beckons once again and prior to the start of the application, we will be talking to you on the processes and some of the things to expect. This will be relevant to all interested students applying for exchange in AY2016/2017.


Date: 23rd Sept 2015

Time: 10am

Venue: LT 11, FASS


This briefing will give you some ideas of what to do for the application:

  • Research for suitable SEP destinations
  • Type of information needed to better support your application
  • Selection processes at the Department/ Faculty levels
  • Potential pitfalls that can affect your chances

We look forward to seeing you at the briefing!


P.S Briefing slides will be uploaded onto our blog. We will share the URL once it is done.




Study Abroad @FASS




University of Auckland Info Session for Students

This is an announcement on behalf of International Relations Office.

The University of Auckland is offering an information session about their university and the exchange experience on 4 August at 3.15 pm.

University of Auckland info_session

If you wish to go for the session,

Click here to register.

Pre-departure briefing AY15/16 Sem 1


Hi students

There will be a pre-departure briefing for students who are leaving for their exchange in the coming semester.

Details as follows:

Date: 1 July 2015, Wednesday

Time: 10 am – 12 noon

Venue: LT8@ FASS.


For those of you who cannot make it for the briefing, the materials will be uploaded on our FASS website after the briefing. 

Hope to see you there J



MFA Travel Advisory to South Africa

Travelling South Africa [Updated: 20 April 2015]

MFA’s latest release can be retrieved at this link .

Mob attacks against foreigners have spread from Durban to several cities in South Africa. The situation remains fluid.

Singaporeans travelling to South Africa are strongly advised to closely monitor local news and developments. They should avoid areas of public disturbances, be vigilant at all times and observe instructions from local authorities.

Singaporeans are strongly encouraged to eRegister with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at to facilitate contact in the event of an emergency. They should take all necessary precautions for personal safety including purchasing comprehensive travel and medical insurance. Please check with the insurers if in doubt on the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage.

Singaporeans who require consular assistance while in South Africa may contact the Singapore High Commission in Pretoria or the MFA Duty Office (24 hrs) as follows:

High Commission of the Republic of Singapore – South Africa
980-982 Francis Baard Street (formerly Schoeman Street)
Arcadia, Pretoria 0083, Republic of South Africa
Telephone: +27-(12) 430 6305, 430 6498, 430 7163, 430 7505
Telefax: +27-(12) 342 4425
Contact: 001-27-7298 88759

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office (24-hours)
Tel: +65-6379 8800, 6379 8855
Fax: +65-6476 7302

DUO Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award – Applications for AY15/16 are now open!

A Message from International Relations Office (IRO)

Dear NUS students,

The DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award by Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to promote student exchanges between NUS and European ASEM members. The Award, based on merit, funds up to three pairs of students exchanges (3 incoming and 3 outgoing) between NUS and its respective partner university in Europe in any academic field. Each student will be  awarded 4,000 Euros, which will partially subsidise the cost of airfare, accommodation, living expenses, etc, for SEP. This award carries no obligatory bond period.

Applications for AY 2015/2016 are now open!



NUS students with the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • Are Singapore citizens/ permanent residents/ ASEAN citizens
  • Have been nominated for SEP to an NUS partner university in a European ASEM member country (Refer here for the list of ASEM member countries which NUS has SEP partnership with)
  • Participating in SEP in Sem 1 and/or Sem 2 of AY2015/2016


Application Process

Only hardcopy applications are accepted and should be submitted to IRO by Friday, 20 March 2015.

Please note that this deadline applies to ALL students going on exchange in AY 2015/2016.  Hence, students going on exchange in semester 1 and/or semester 2 are to apply now.


Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.


Further queries
More information on the DUO Award and its application procedures can be found at:

For further enquiries, please contact the International Relations Office here.


We look forward to receiving your applications for the DUO-Singapore Exchange Fellowship Award!





SEP Application Briefing Slides AY15/16 Round 2

Dear students

Thank you for turning up at our SEP application briefing for AY15/16 Round 2

As promised, please find below the links to the presentation materials.

FASS SEP Application Talk_26 Feb 2015_IRO



Gentle reminder on our SEP Consultation Hours.

The schedule can be found here:






This is a message by the International Relations Office (IRO)

Are you a prospective exchange student? Have questions on exchange?

IRO’s PALs SEP Clinic is back!

The clinic will run every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 2pm – 4pm on weeks:

* 7: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th March

* 9: 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th March

* 10: 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th March

Please note that there will be no SEP clinic during E-Learning Week (9th – 13th March).

You are welcome to walk into the International Relations Office at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 3rd Storey, Unit 03-04 to speak to our Peer Advising Leaders about any queries that you might have during the above timeslots.  You may also email the PALs at any time at: NUS Peer Advising:

