King’s College London – information session 3:00pm to 3:45pm on 6 October

Hi students

A message from IRO

A representative from King’s College London is coming to NUS to conduct an information session from 3:00pm to 3:45pm on 6 October. The location is at Cinnamon Room at Shaw Foundation Alumni House level 5.

Register via




SEP Clinic @ IRO

Hi students

IRO’s SEP Clinics are back. Please see below for information from the IRO.



Dear Faculty Students,


Interested in going on the Student Exchange Programme (SEP), but don’t know where to start?


Come down to the International Relations Office (IRO) at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House (3rd Storey, Unit 03-04) during Weeks 6 & 7 for the SEP Clinic, where peers who have recently been on exchange to North America, Europe and Asia-Australasia can advise on general SEP application matters, travel planning and any other queries you may have. They’ll also be able to share valuable tips and practical advice from when they were on exchange not too long ago!


Drop in hours for the SEP Clinic @ IRO are as follows.


Weeks 6 & 7:
Day (Dates) Time Experts for the Following Region(s) Available
Monday (26 Sep) 9.30am – 12.30am Europe
Tuesdays (13 Sep & 27 Sep) 9.30am – 3.30pm Europe, North America, Asia-Australasia
Wednesdays (14 Sep & 28 Sep) 9.30am – 11.30am Europe, North America
Thursdays (15 Sep & 29 Sep) 12.30pm – 4.30pm North America








SEP Application Briefing for AY17/18 Exchanges

Hi students

The opportunity for exchange beckons once again and prior to the start of the application, we will be talking to you on the processes and some of the things to expect. This will be relevant to all interested students applying for exchange in AY2017/2018.

Date: 21 Sept 2016
Time: 10am
Venue: LT 8, FASS

This briefing will cover these topics

  • Research for suitable SEP destinations
  • Type of information needed to better support your application
  • Selection processes at the Department/ Faculty levels
  • Potential pitfalls that can affect your chances

We look forward to seeing you at the briefing!

P.S Briefing slides will be uploaded onto our blog. We will share the URL once it is done.

Kimberley Yang (Ms)
Senior Executive, Study Abroad @FASS
FASS Dean’s Office (AS7, Level 5)

International Exchange Day 2016

Hi students,

International Exchange Day is happening on the 8th of September (Thursday) at UTown from 9am.

Come join us at our very own FASS booth! Get your questions on studying abroad answered and learn more about the Partner University or Country you are interested in.


Here to answer your questions are of course the Study Abroad Team and your fellow school mates, those who had just returned from SEP and students from our Partner Universities currently studying at NUS.

Listed below is the schedule of Partner Universities and the countries represented throughout the day.


11:00am to 1:00pm

Ateneo de Manila University

Boston University

George Washington University

University of Leeds

Seoul National University

Simon Fraser University

University of Queensland

University of North Carolina

University of Gadjah Mada

University of Bonn

University of Mannheim

University of New South Wales

University of Oslo

University of Tokyo

University of Zurich


1:00pm to 3:00pm

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Inst Tecn Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey

Keio University

Seoul National University

Tohoku University

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

University of British Columbia

University College London

University of Amsterdam

University of Auckland

University of Bristol

University of Calgary

University of Copenhagen

University of Washington

University of Waterloo

University of Helsinki


3:00pm to 5:00pm

Jagiellonian University

Kwansei Gakuin University

Shanghai Jiaotong University

University of California

University College London

University of Copenhagen

University of Gadjah Mada

University of Manchester

University of Mannheim

University of New South Wales

University of Oslo

University of Zagreb


Hope to see you there,


STEER Kazakhstan 2016

<<On Behalf of IRO>>

Dear students,

The NUS International Relations Office welcomes you to apply for STEER Kazakhstan 2016.

Click here to apply from now till Sunday, 3 April 2016. You will be notified of the outcome via your NUS email during the first week of April.

FAQ is attached. Please refer to here for updates, if any (webpage will be up by this week).

STEER Kazakhstan (FAQ)

Thank you and best regards,

The International Relations Office



IRO PALs: SEP Drop-in Clinics

<<On Behalf of IRO>>

Hi NUS students,


Have questions about the Student Exchange Programme (SEP)? Wondering about where to go? Unsure about how to go about mapping modules for the transfer of credits?

The SEP Clinic run by the Peer Advising Programme of the International Relations Office is intended to help answer these questions and more. The clinic will run from Week 7 to Week 10 (1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd March), every Tuesday and Wednesday from 11am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm.
SEP Clinic Poster
You are welcome to walk into the International Relations Office at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 3rd Storey, Unit 03-04, on the above dates at the stated times to speak to our friendly Peer Advising Leaders about any queries that you might have regarding SEP.


Should you have any enquiries about the SEP Drop-In Clinics, please email the PALs directly at <>



Your Peer Advising Leaders (PALs)