Duke-NUS Summer Program 2016

Dear students,

On behalf of the NUS International Relations Office we like to let you know about an exciting summer opportunity: the Duke-NUS Summer Program 2016 (running 10th May – 18th June 2016).

The program is made up of 1 module (GE3245), which comprises of 2 parts, focusing on Environmental Conservation and Urban Tropical Ecology.  Up to 10 Duke students will come on the program, and there are up to 10 places for NUS students too.  NUS students who are accepted onto this program and successfully complete the module will be awarded 6 MCs for the full program (subject to approval from home Faculty).

Please refer to the attached poster for more information on the program, the costs, and application procedure.





Please note costs will be:

This program started in summer 2013 and proved to be a great success in 2013, 2014, and 2015!

If you require more information please feel free to contact Ms Shona Gillies-Grant, Manager, IRO, NUS (iroskg@nus.edu.sg) or Dr Hastings, Professor, Geography, NUS (geojgh@nus.edu.sg).

Please note applications are to be submitted to Dr Hastings by Friday 5th February 2016.  The attached poster contains more information on how to apply.

Thank you for your interest in the Duke-NUS Summer Program 2016!

Ewha International co-ed Summer College 2016

Dear Students

This message broadcast is on behalf of Ewha International Summer College. For more information, please visit: http://summer.ewha.ac.kr.

Looking for a summer school in Seoul, Korea? Here’s your chance at Ewha International co-ed Summer College 2016!

2016 Ewha ISC Brochure

2016 Ewha ISC Postlet_EN

Session 1: June 21 – July 20, 2016 (4 weeks):

20% Early Bird discount for students who register by March 25, 2016

10% additional discount for 10+ students from one institute

  • Both academic and cultural endeavors in the program
  • Course taught by the renowned and  dedicated professors of world-class
  • Choose from some 35 courses taught in English OR Korean Language courses by different levels
  • Get 6 credits (two 3 credit courses)
  • Fieldtrips (included in tuition fee):

The Korean Folk Village, the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Everland, the House of Sharing (Shelter for Former War Sex Slaves), see a B-boy performance, experience cooking Korean food and more!


Item Fee amount Discount rate (a total of 30% applied)
Application 100,000KRW n/a
Tuition 3,100,000 KRW 2,170,000KRW
Housing 700,000KRW (TBD by Jan. 2016) n/a


Session II: August 5 – August 19, 2016 (2 weeks):

10% Early Bird discount for students who register by May 20, 2016

10% additional discount for 10+ students from one institute

  • Pre-designed academic program and engage in hands-on learning through field trips and cultural excursions
  • An enriching opportunity to learn about and experience Korean culture, language, etc.
  • Earn 3 credits
  • Fieldtrips (included in tuition fee):

Authentic Korean culture in Andong City, visiting a major TV broadcasting company, going to `B-boy’ performances, making and tasting Kimchi, watching Korean movies and more!


Item Fee amount Discount rate (a total of 20% applied)
Application 100,000KRW n/a
Tuition 1,800,000 KRW 1,440,000KRW
Housing 500,000KRW (TBD by Jan. 2016) n/a

Thank you.

2016 Summer Programme at Pembroke College, Cambridge

Dear Students

The application for 2016 Pembroke-King’s Programme (PKP) will open on Monday 12 October 2015.

More information about PKP can be found via:

1. The electronic brochure available here: http://www.pem.cam.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Pembroke-Kings-Programme-2016-Brochure.pdf,

2. Website: http://www.pem.cam.ac.uk/pkp.

Please note that PKP will be continually updating the PKP web pages prior to applications opening.

Kwansei Gakuin University (2016 Winter/Summer Japanese Language and Culture Short Program)

KGU Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Program 2016 is a 3-week program, focusing on Japanese language and culture, with some activities with Japanese students, home stays and field trips, held twice a year in Winter (February 10 – February 25, 2016) and Summer (July 20 – August 4, 2016).

Online application periods:

Winter: October 1 – November 13, 2015
Summer: April 1 – May 20, 2016

Short program homepage:http://www.kwansei.ac.jp/c_ciec/c_ciec_008201.html

2016 Winter & Summer Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Study Program Pamphlet



Enquiries should be made to the Center for Japanese Language Education office: cjle_jimu@kwansei.ac.jp

Thank you.

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies ( Short Stay Winter Program 2016)

TUFS Short Stay Winter Program 2016 will be held from January 7th to February 5th. This four-week intensive program is aimed at learners of the Japanese language who are currently enrolled in their partner universities, i.e. NUS being one of them.
Please visit the website below for more details such as course description, admissions, and scholarship, etc. The program leaflet can also be downloaded from the website.
(English) http://www.tufs.ac.jp/english/intlaffairs/exchange_in/sswp.html
(Japanese) http://www.tufs.ac.jp/intlaffairs/exchange_in/sswp.html
If you have any inquiries regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Matsui Aki at pro-s-stay@tufs.ac.jp.