FASS pre-departure SEP briefing for Sem 2 AY2012-2013

Dear Students,

Thanks to all the students who have turned up for the briefing this morning despite the holiday season.

You must be really excited over your student exchange programme next semester! Before you embark on your SEP journey, please refer to the briefing slides for some pointers you must know:

FASS pre-departure SEP briefing for Sem 2 AY2012-2013

Wishing all a Merry Christmas, happy 2013 and have a safe, fruitful SEP journey!

FASS SEP Round 1 Internal Offer Briefing Presentation Slides

Dear Students,

Congratulations on your SEP internal offers! For those who have accepted the internal offers, please refer to the slides for more information on what to do and what to expect moving forward:


Students with unsuccessful applications, don’t give up! You may re-apply during our Round 2 application next February/March*. We are looking forward to receiving your applications! 🙂

*Subjected to SEP application criteria/rules and regulations


Business China Youth Chapter – China Learning Journey

Dear Students,

This message is posted on behalf of International Relations Office, Global Opportunities. Please direct all enquiries to Ms Joyce Ting at irojt@nus.edu.sg.


Participate in the China Learning Journey organised by Business China (www.businesschina.org.sg/en.php) this December to gain a holistic view of the business environment in this Asian economic giant, while building new friendships and networks.

Taking place in the capital city of Beijing, highlights of the trip include visits to large companies (Singapore-owned, China-owned or joint-ventures), the Tianjin Eco-City and historical monuments. Participants will also engage their peers from Chinese universities (Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of International Business and Economics) in student forums, on a wide variety of topics ranging from politics to the arts.

Please refer to attached Fact Sheet for more information about the programme and the Business China Youth Chapter.

China Learning Journey Fact Sheet

1. What is the programme fee?

The programme fee of SGD 600 is heavily subsidised by Business China and China Hanban.  It includes airfare, ground transport, accommodation and most meals. Participants will be responsible for insurance, visa fees (if any) and personal expenses.

2. Am I eligible to participate?

  • This programme is open to Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents only.
  • Undergraduates who are currently in Year 2 and above of their studies at NUS.
  • Must not be graduating at the end of this semester.
  • Have a CAP of 3.5 and above.
  • Strong interest and knowledge about China-related issues preferred.

3. How do I apply?

Complete the attached IRO application form and email it to irojt@nus.edu.sg by 12 noon on Monday, 29 October 2012.  Attach a copy of your latest unofficial NUS transcript.  Additional supporting documents showing your participation in events (and interest) on China-related issues will be helpful to your application.  Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

IRO Application Form

Up to five applicants will be nominated to Business China, who will make the final decision on the participants.  More information about the programme will be provided by Business China to participants upon final selection.

4. Questions?

Questions about the programme can be directed to:

Joyce TING (Ms)

International Relations Office

Email: irojt@nus.edu.sg

5. About Business China

Business China was launched in November 2007 by then Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.  It is a platform integrating language, economic and cultural elements.  The mission of Business China is to nurture an inclusive bilingual and bi-cultural group of Singaporeans through extensive use of the Chinese language as the medium of communication, so as to sustain Singapore’s multicultural heritage, and to develop a cultural and economic bridge linking the world and China.

Dialogue with Friends of NUS Overseas College (NOC), Monday, 22 October 12

Dear Students,

This message is sent on behalf of the NUS Overseas College (NOC).

NOC is organising a Dialogue session on Monday 22 October 2012, 12 – 2pm for Year 1 and Year 2 students.

If students would like to find out more about NOC programme or have any queries, please visit: www.nus.edu.sg/enterprise/noc or email to  nocquery@nus.edu.sg respectively.

Interested students, please RSVP via https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?pli=1&formkey=dE9ldXFpVnV3ZzZYQjVMUzJDWFV0Y3c6MQ#gid. FYI, lunch will be provided.

Kwansei Gakuin University receives MEXT Global 30 Plus Grant

Congratulations to Kwansei Gakuin University, our faculty level partner university, for being awarded the MEXT Global 30 Plus Grant!

Kwansei Gakuin University has been selected by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as a recipient for the Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development (Global 30 Plus) Grant.

KGU was chosen for Type-A funding by the government to establish university-wide initiatives to bring more students abroad, create competent world citizens, and to act as a role-model for other universities to follow.

For more information, and an outline of what KGU plans to initiate, please visit: http://www.kwansei.ac.jp/english/pr/pr_005186.html

Invitation to ASEAN Learning Journey 2012

Dear Students,

This is a message on behalf of IRO. If you have any enquiries, please contact Ms Annick Kwong at iroak@nus.edu.sg

IRO will be organizing the ASEAN Learning Journey under the TF LEaRN Programme @ NUS on 19-20 Nov 2012.

You will have the opportunity to hear from and interact with high-profile guests from Banyan Tree, Louis-Vuitton, Bago Sphere, and from our own NUS professors.

Admission is by registration till 22 October 2012.

To attend on 19 November 2012, please register at https://aces01.nus.edu.sg:443/CoE/ViewEvent?actionParam=VIEWEVENT&eventID=49420

To attend on 20 November 2012, please register at https://aces01.nus.edu.sg:443/CoE/ViewEvent?actionParam=VIEWEVENT&eventID=49422