This message is published on behalf of International Relations Office (IRO).
IRO is glad to inform you that we will be organizing an information session on the various international programmes to China. China has emerged as the world’s second largest economy. With its rapid growth and development, the information session aims to encourage more NUS students to experience China through the programmes offered by the Office of Vice President (University & Global Relations), International Relations Office and NUS Overseas Colleges.
There will be a sharing session by Mr Koh Chin Yee, Director (Asia), Office of the Vice President (University & Global Relations), on the developments in China. The topics to be covered in this session include the general facts in China, China Economic Outlook, China Industrial Development and Opportunities. Participants can look forward to information on Study Trips for Engagement and Enrichment (STEER), Student Exchange Programme (SEP), Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TF-LEaRN), International Summer (i-SP), International Internship (i-intern), International Research Attachment (i-RAP) and Full year internship programmes in China. Returnees will also share about their experiences and the key take-away in these programmes.
Details of Experience China Information Session :
Date : 13 September 2013, Friday
Time : 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue : UHall Auditorium, Level 2