Experience China Information Session, 13 September 2013, 2pm – 4pm, UHall Auditorium

This message is published on behalf of International Relations Office (IRO).

IRO is glad to inform you that we will be organizing an information session on the various international programmes to China.  China has emerged as the world’s second largest economy.  With its rapid growth and development, the information session aims to encourage more NUS students to experience China through the programmes offered by the Office of Vice President (University & Global Relations), International Relations Office and NUS Overseas Colleges.

There will be a sharing session by Mr Koh Chin Yee, Director (Asia),  Office of the Vice President (University & Global Relations), on the developments in China.  The topics to be covered in this session include the general facts in China, China Economic Outlook, China Industrial Development and Opportunities.  Participants can look forward to information on Study Trips for Engagement and Enrichment (STEER), Student Exchange Programme (SEP), Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TF-LEaRN), International Summer (i-SP), International Internship (i-intern), International Research Attachment (i-RAP) and Full year internship programmes in China.  Returnees will also share about their experiences and the key take-away in these programmes.

Details of Experience China Information Session :

Date      :               13 September 2013, Friday

Time      :               2.00pm – 4.00pm

Venue :               UHall Auditorium, Level 2

RSVP     :               https://aces01.nus.edu.sg/CoE/ViewEvent?actionParam=VIEWEVENT&eventID=56499


Experience China Information Session (Programme)

Singapore Universities Student Exchange Programmes (SUSEP), semester 2 AY2013/2014

Wish to experience how student life would be like in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) or Singapore Management University (SMU)?

The application is now open for Semester 2 AY2013/2014! Only year 2 and year 3 students are eligible for this round.

Application period: 9 September 2013 – 22 September 2013

For application procedures, please kindly check your NUS email for more details.

Pre-departure SEP Briefing for FASS Students – Semester 1 AY2013/14

Dear All,

Thank you for making your way to LT 12 this morning for the briefing session!

Here’s the link to the presentation slides for your reference.

SEP pre-departure briefing slides – 22 Jul 13

If you are keen to participate in the “Post-Exchange Workshop”, do drop us an email at FASS-SEP.

Wishing all a safe and smooth SEP journey!  🙂

FASS Student Exchange Programme Round 2 Application Briefing – Semester 2 AY2013/2014

Dear Students,

Thank you for attending today’s briefing session. We hope you have a clearer view on the application procedures and what to expect as you gear up for the application.

Here are the presentation slides for your reference:

SEPbriefing session 28022013

IRO SEP Talk Feb 2013

Looking forward to receiving your applications!

FASS SEP Round 2 Application Briefing Session – Semester 2 AY2013/2014

Dear Students,

The opportunity for exchange beckons once again and prior to the start of the application, we will be talking to you on the processes and some of the things to expect. This will be relevant to all interested students applying for exchange in semester 2, AY2013/2014.

Please note that this coming round of application is only open to ARS1, NVG1, ARS2 and NVG2 students.

Date: 28 February 2013 (Thursday)

Time: 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Venue: LT 8, FASS

We look forward to seeing you at the briefing!

GO AWAY! 2013

Dear Students,

This email is sent to you on behalf of NUS International Relations Office.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to write to them at peeradvising@nus.edu.sg.


The NUS International Relations Office (IRO) Peer Advising Programme will be holding “GO AWAY!” – An overseas opportunities fair which will give you more information on Student Exchanges, Summer Schools and Overseas Internships and other short-term programmes and opportunities.

The event will be a free-and-easy, walkabout format with booths and talks held concurrently.  NUS’s own incoming foreign Exchange Students and NUS returnees will be down to give talks and be consultants at their booths representing various Partner Universities and countries. Staff from the NUS International Relations Office will also be present to talk about Summer Programmes and overseas Internship opportunities.  So grab your friends and head down to “GO AWAY!” this coming Thursday to find out more about your overseas opportunities!

“GO AWAY!” A Fair on Exchange, Summer Schools, Internships and Short-Term Programmes

Thursday, 21 February

3pm-5pm (come at anytime!)

Yusof Ishak House, Student Lounge (Level 4)

SEP Clinic by Peer Advising Programme, International Relations Office

Dear Students, this is a message sent to you on behalf of the Peer Advising Programme, International Relations Office.

If you have any other questions with regards to this SEP Clinic, please drop them an email at peeradvising@nus.edu.sg

NOTE: This SEP clinic is meant for NUS students from all faculties who are interested to find out more about SEP in general.

If you have specific FASS SEP related enquiries, please direct them to FASS SEP instead.

Thank you.


Dearest Year 1s and 2s:

Thinking of going on exchange but unsure of how to start planning? Ever feel like you just need a peer or a senior who can give some advice or just someone to hear your doubts and queries?

NUS Peer Advising is here to help you out! We’re a team of students from different faculties who have all gone on exchange at various partner universities all around the world! We’ve been through the motions of planning where to go to apply, module mapping headaches, right down to the new experience of living abroad! This whole process may be daunting and even stressful, and that is why we’re here to guide you! YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

We will be starting an SEP Drop-in Clinic where you will have a chance to speak to peers who can give advise and guidance. We’re always willing to listen. Best of all, we will be open every week and no appointment is required! Just come by as and when you are free during the following times.