Slides from Briefing for FASS Summer Programmes

Dear Students,

Thank you for attending the Briefing for FASS Summer Programmes last week.

Enclosed are the slides from the talk for your reference.

If you have any questions, please drop an email to

FASS Summer Programmes Overview  FASS Summer.Overview
FASSTrack Asia: The Summer School  
JS2231     Japan in SE Asia  JS2231
MS2210    Malay Culture & Society  MS2210
SE2222    Southeast Asia in Context                                          SE2211    Southeast Asian Social History                                 SE2880A  Southeast Asia’s Cultural Mosaic  SE Asia in Context (3 mods)
GEK1018  Economics Issues in the Developing World  GEK1018
LAB1201  Bahasa Indonesia  LAB1201
LAT1201  Thai 1  LAT1201
OdySEA 2013  
PS3880E  Human Trafficking in SE Asia  PS3880E
LSM1305  Biodiversity in SE Asia  LSM1305

Briefing for FASS Summer Schools

Dear students

Happy New Year!  Hope all of you had a great time over the year-end holidays and are looking forward to a fresh new start for 2013! 

Now, by now most of you would have heard about FASStrack Asia and OdySEA; the 2 summer schools that FASS is organizing in June/July 2013.  Good news! We will be giving more information about these 2 summer schools at a briefing session. Come meet the lecturers who will be teaching the summer programmes and learn more about the classes!  If you have any academic or administrative questions, this is your chance to clarify your doubts with the lecturers as well as programme administrators.

 Details of Summer School Briefing:

Date      : 11th  Jan 2013 (Fri)

Venue  :   LT12, FASS

Time      : 3pm – 4.30pm

 We look forward to seeing you!   Refreshment will be served after the briefing.

2013 IRO Short Term Programs – Call for Applications

Dear students,

(This is a message on behalf of IRO.)

IRO has started opening applications for short term programs in summer 2013.

Please note that the following programs are now calling for applications. Information on application procedures can be found from IRO website under Global Opportunities tab :

  1. Cambridge Science Summer School  – Application now open till 31 Jan 2013
  2. NUS – École Polytechnique Summer International Research Attachment Program –  Till 3 Jan 2013
  3. NUS – University of Geneva IOs & INGOs Internship  – Till 11 Jan 2013
  4. NUS- University of Bonn Summer Research Attachment  – Till 7 Jan 2013

Information on other overseas summer programmes will be posted as details become available.


Now Open for Application: OdySEA 2013 Summer Programme

Dear students

In Homer’s famous epic poem The Odyssey, Odysseus undergoes an epic journey which is one of challenge and self-discovery, and which is also a return to his homeland with a confirmation of his new identity and selfhood. 

Inspired by Odysseus’ journey, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and Faculty of Science (FOS) jointly organised and launched the inaugural Summer School OdySEA in Summer 2012. The programme was conceived with the intent to take students like you on your own intellectual journey to (parts of) Southeast Asia that would challenge you, prompt self-reflexivity, and lead to a return to Singapore with a new sense of self in relation to the region. The 2012 summer school came with a 14-day field trip in one country in Southeast Asia where students lived, studied, and traveled together with teaching staff who are experts in their discipline and in the region, making it a valuable learning experience that extended beyond normal classroom learning. OdySEA is intended for those of you with a spirit of adventure and an intellectual interest in Southeast Asia.

We are pleased to offer OdySEA again in 2013; it will take place from 24 June to 3 August 2013; on offer will be courses from Political Science, Sociology and Life Sciences with small-group learning and fieldtrips to Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and the Philippines. There are no CAP restriction and no pre-requisites for these modules. If you are interested in the topics below and in Asia, this is the right summer school for you.

  • SC2207 Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia
  • SC2224  Visual Anthropology Field-School
  • PS3880E Topics in Political Science: Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia
  • LSM1305 Biodiversity in Southeast Asia

There are financial awards offered to FOS and FASS students. In addition, there are financial aid available to needy students as well. You can click here for more information on application, costs and course details or here to get to the application and bursary forms. Application opens on 15 December.

Do join us for this exciting summer programme made just for you! : )

Call for Applications: NUS-WHU Winter Programme 2012

This is an announcement on behalf of the International Relations Office. Please email IRO directly at if you have any query.

Dear students,

The NUS-Wuhan University Winter Programme 2012 is now open for application!

This customized University-wide winter programme, jointly offered by NUS and Wuhan University, is divided into 4 parts and co-taught by professors from both NUS and Wuhan University. Topics that will be discussed includes Chinese cultural traditions, Chinese World Order, Chinese economy, Environmental issues and Legal System in contemporary China. Besides visits to local historical sites and museums, study trips outside Wuhan will also be organized, including field trips to the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, the Earthquake Zone and the Giant Panda Breeding and Research Centre in Sichuan; and excursions to Suzhou to study Chinese gardens and folk culture.

Programme Dates: 9 – 30 December 2012 (22 days)
Programme Information
Programme fee per student:
  • Singaporean – SGD 1,470
  • Singapore PR – SGD 2,040
  • Others – SGD 2,520
Application Deadline: 5pm, 22 October 2012 (Monday)
Application Procedure: Complete the application forms available online and attached a copy of your NUS unofficial transcript (screenshots of  exam results will not be accepted) and submit the above documents electronically to
Eligibility requirements:
  • Students should not be in their graduating semester prior to participating in this programme
  • CAP of 3.5 and above
  • Students must not be a Chinese national
  • Priority will be given to Singaporean nationals and students seeking academic credit