Call for Application: ASEAN in Today’s World (AsTW) 2013, Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), 22 Feb to 8 March 2013

Please note that this is an announcement on behalf of International Relations Office. Please contact the organiser of the conference directly if you have a query

Dear Students,

The NUS International Relations Office is pleased to invite you to apply for the ASEAN in Today’s World (AsTW) 2013 programme, hosted by Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) from 22 February to 8 March 2013.


Full-time NUS undergraduate students who also fulfill the organizers’ criteria (


AsTW 2013 is an international programme co-organized by Kyushu University (Japan) and Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), in cooperation with Mahidol University (Thailand) and Fukuoka Women’s University (Japan).


22 February to 8 March 2013 (2 weeks)


Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)


To attend classes in ASEAN studies and Asian languages/cultures, and discover the Philippines through field trips. At the end of the programme, credit and grades will be awarded by Kyushu University and an official transcript will be sent to the participants.


1)      Read attached flyer and consult AsTW website ( for details.

2)      Follow instructions on application website ( and apply directly to organizers. Programme fee is JP¥ 133,000 and the application deadline is November 16, 2012.

3)      15 Scholarship grants will be awarded by the organizers to qualifying students from ASEAN universities on a first-come first-serve basis.

Travel Grant

IRO is pleased to support up to 2 accepted participants with a travel grant to offset the cost of air travel, on a first-come-first-served basis. Accepted participants who wish to apply should be full-time NUS undergraduates. Please email the acceptance letter/email and your student ID number to Ms Leong Wai Yee ( to apply.

If you have queries on the AsTW 2013, please email the organizers directly ( 

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