U21 RISE (Real Impact on Society and Environment) showcase and awards

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RISE (Real Impact on Society and Environment) is an international showcase of student achievement in sustainability and social innovation. RISE is designed to accelerate the scale and impact of student-led projects by connecting them with a network of experts in academia and industry.

Alongside access to a global network of supporter, teams will have the chance of winning prizes of $2000 each to further develop their project.


Due to the success of RISE 2019, U21 has expanded the competition for this year. Each U21 member institution is invited to nominate up to student-led projects based on an aspect of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Who can enter?

Any National University of Singapore student, either as an individual or in a group. NUS may sponsor a maximum of 4 nominated projects, up to 3 projects led solely by students at their university and one additional joint nomination involving students from 2+ member universities.


What sort of projects can be entered?

Project must directly address at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These aren’t just about environmental action, they cover almost every aspect of environmental and societal development. In practice most non-profit and social innovation projects will already be addressing at least one goal.

The project should be at the development stage, not just an idea. There needs to have been some positive actions taken to turn an idea into reality. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be a fully-fledged enterprise or small business – see the image attached for more details. For examples of the type of projects eligible for RISE, check out the RISE 2019 showcase.


What will students gain from entering?

All entrants will:

–           Gain experience in pitching their project

–           Have the opportunity to win one of four $2000 for their project

–           Be given the chance to network with fellow entrepreneurs


In addition to the above those nominated to the RISE showcase will:

–           Be part of a cohort of finalists from across the world

–           Take part in a bespoke development package for student entrepreneurs

–           Receive a certificate recognising their achievement as a RISE finalist.

–           Have the opportunity to receive pledges of support from U21s global network.

–           Gain feedback on their project from experts in the field

–           Become part of an alumni network of global social innovators.

Information sessions to find out more about the RISE showcase and competition

These session will give more information on what being part of the RISE showcase and awards can offer and will give students an opportunity to ask any questions they may have. Please note as each university runs its own selection process to decide their RISE nominated projects, U21 will not be able to give details about the selection process at our university.

If you have any voluntary, social enterprise or environmental projects that you would like to scale up, develop, and build, then RISE is a platform. Please write in to studyabroadfass@nus.edu.sg by 12 Nov 2020 with the following details, we will collate and forward it to Global Relations Office for their consideration if they would like to nominate your project.

  • Team members
  • Project Synopsis


To find out more about U21 RISE visit here: https://universitas21.com/get-involved/student-competitions/rise/information-students




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