IRO SEP Drop-in Clinics – September/ October 2013

Dear students,

If you are a prospective year 1 or 2 student who is interested in SEP, feel free to drop by the SEP clinic organised by IRO for general advice.

For specific faculty and administrative issues, please direct your enquiries to FAS-SEP email.

DAY/ DATES Times Location
Mon 16th Sep; 30th Sep; 7th Oct; 14th Oct 12pm-3pm Student Associate Room, IRO, Level 3, Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Tue 17th Sep; 1st Oct; 8th Oct 12pm-3pm Student Associate Room, IRO, Level 3, Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Thu 19th Sep; 3rd Oct; 10th Oct; 17th Oct 12pm-3pm Student Associate Room, IRO, Level 3, Shaw Foundation Alumni House


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