Prague Summer Schools 2014

(This is a message on behalf of the Prague Center for Public Policy)

Thinking of going to Czech Republic next summer? Here’s your opportunity.

The Prague Summer Schools are seven-day academic programs designed to bring together undergraduate and graduate students of various nationalities and academic backgrounds to enjoy their summer holidays in the unique academic and cultural environment.

The Prague’s Center for Public Policy is pleased to announce the forthcoming Prague Summer Schools  on the following topics:

European Summer Institute on the Future of Europe: Lobbying in Brussels

Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology

Summer School on European Politics: Interests versus Culture?

Summer School on China: A World Superpower – Myth or Reality?

Summer School on New Development Cooperation: Breaking the Chains of Poverty

Summer School on Education: The Future of School

Summer School on Globalization: The End of Consumption as we Know it

When?  5-12 July 2014
Where? Summer Schools will take place in Prague, Czech Republic

Visit to discover the details about the upcoming programs. The website will direct you to the individual page of each summer program containing information on academics, logistics, photos, alumni feedback, guidelines to application process, and  online application.

Interested students need to submit their applications to Prague Summer Schools 2014 by Early Bird Application Deadline of January 31, 2014.  The Final Deadline is February 15, 2014.

Should you have any questions regarding the Prague Summer Schools or application process, please contact the Prague’s Center for Public Policy at  directly.

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