IARU Global Summer Programme (GSP) 2013 – APPLICATION REMINDER

Dear students,


 IRO is pleased to announce the IARU Global Summer Program (GSP) 2013 which is open to all full-time NUS undergraduate students in their 2nd year onwards as well as graduate students.

 This year, IARU GSP 2013 will feature 19 courses from all our ten IARU partners, of which four are brand new GSP courses. NUS hosts two courses – “Asia Now! – Southeast Asian Cosmopolitan Urbanism” by the Department of Architecture, SDE, and “Southeast Asia in Context” by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, FASS.  To find out more about IARU GSP,  click here.

 A brief outline of IARU GSP 2013 is attached below. Online application is now open till Friday, 1 March 2013. Students who wish to apply for the NUS courses should also apply via the same application channel.

 IARU GSP Information Session

Interested students are invited to attend the IARU GSP Information Session on Wed, 6 February 2013, at 6pm, at Central Library Theatrette 1. Students will learn more about the program and hear from our past IARU GSP participants. Registration for the information session has to be submitted at https://aces01.nus.edu.sg/CoE/ViewEvent?actionParam=VIEWEVENT&eventID=51119.

For enquiries on the NUS courses, please write to:

  • Ms Ingrid Tay – studyabroadfass@nus.edu.sg for “Southeast Asia in Context” (which is part of FASSTrack Asia: The Summer School)

  • Ms Lim Hwee Lee – akihelp@nus.edu.sg  for  “Asia Now! – outheast Asian Cosmopolitan Urbanism”

Publicity to faculties_IARU Global Summer Program 2013

2013 IARU GSP – IRO website (credit mapping)


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