Slides from Briefing for FASS Summer Programmes

Dear Students,

Thank you for attending the Briefing for FASS Summer Programmes last week.

Enclosed are the slides from the talk for your reference.

If you have any questions, please drop an email to

FASS Summer Programmes Overview  FASS Summer.Overview
FASSTrack Asia: The Summer School  
JS2231     Japan in SE Asia  JS2231
MS2210    Malay Culture & Society  MS2210
SE2222    Southeast Asia in Context                                          SE2211    Southeast Asian Social History                                 SE2880A  Southeast Asia’s Cultural Mosaic  SE Asia in Context (3 mods)
GEK1018  Economics Issues in the Developing World  GEK1018
LAB1201  Bahasa Indonesia  LAB1201
LAT1201  Thai 1  LAT1201
OdySEA 2013  
PS3880E  Human Trafficking in SE Asia  PS3880E
LSM1305  Biodiversity in SE Asia  LSM1305

2 thoughts on “Slides from Briefing for FASS Summer Programmes

  1. Hi,
    Can my daughter attend your JS 2231 Japan in Southeast Asia summer 2013 programme?
    She is in her second year in an American liberal arts college, Lewis & Clark College (in Portland, Oregon).

    She would like to do East Asian studies for her major, and this course could be very interesting for her. Hope to hear from you soon.

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