Call for Application: OdySEA 2012

Dear students

This is an exciting and brand new summer school (18 June to 27 July 2012) that FASS and Faculty of Science is jointly hosting and launching. You will get a chance to spend up to 2 weeks on field studies with your lecturers in either Thailand or the Philippines. This summer school intends to bring you on an  intellectual journey to (parts of) Southeast Asia that will challenge you, prompt self-reflexivity, and lead to a return to Singapore with a new sense of self in relation to the region. You will take one capstone module and then select another fieldtrip course in this summer school.

Framed through an anthropological perspective, the capstone module examines topics like issues of economic adaptation to the varied physical environments of Southeast Asia; the influences of Indian, Chinese, and other cultures and their interactions with indigenous cultures; the organization of the states; and the interrelation between religious and political systems. And the other courses offers you  in-depth training in engaging your country of choice from the perspective of a particular issue, such as Language and the Preservation of Culture, Human Trafficking, and Biodiversity.  On the module fieldtrip, you will learn to apply your insights to guided fieldwork that will allow you to shape your own learning of the country and its culture and people.

The field trip cost  will be kept low and it is likely to be between $1500 to $2000 and there will be a financial award of $500 for every student and there will also also be additional financial assistance available to students on a needs-basis. We are also making an effort to lower the NUS tuition fees for our students and more information on this will be available soon. 

If this summer school sounds like a productive and yet fun way to spend your summer, then we encourage you to apply for it. You can find the course details as well as application information here as well as an FAQ to answer your query.   

If you have other query that the FAQ does not address, please feel free to email Ms Amy Tan at


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