Electrochemical Water Treatment Group

Department of Civil a Environmental Engineering - National University of Singapore

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Development of eco-friendly semi-synthetic cellulosic fibre.

EWAT group also supports the development of other environmental projects related with water pollution. This time, Sai Tejaswi Gudideni, Tsang Xian Le, Wayne, Muhammad Ismail B Sahuan and Tan Rui Yang Nicholas joined our research group to develop their project of EG3301R, “Sustainable Cities”.

According to the United Nations, the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world, rivalling that of energy and food productions. Around 93 billion cubic metres of water is used annually, where cotton is the major culprit, requiring 20,000 litres of water to grow just one kilogram. With the textile industry being so polluting in different ways, it reveals the dire need for innovation and research into more sustainable means to produce fibres. In view of the above, they developed a semi-synthetic cellulosic fibre that is made from the leftover waste of sugarcane, known as sugarcane bagasse. The synthesis of their Twincel fibre produced from eco-friendly materials aims to reduce the effects of conventionally-spun fibres on the environment.

Fibre synthesis process from sugarcane bagasse.

Assoc. Prof. Olivier Lefebvre

EWAT group congratulates our group leader Olivier Lefebvre,  on his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.  May he always holds the same passion and drive to keep growing in his career. Toutes nos félicitations!

Electrochemical treatment of inorganic pollutants

Although the use of electro-Fenton (EF) process to mineralize organic pollutants in wastewater is widely studied, its application to inorganic pollutants is a novel approach, this new study by the EWAT group in collaboration with IER-UNAM Mexico and RIME Canada opens new possibilities for the application of EF to the treatment of mine water contaminated with thiosalt and other oxidizable wastewater impacted with inorganic materials.

Link to our published paper:

Electro-Fenton beyond the Degradation of Organics: Treatment of Thiosalts in Contaminated Mine Water | Environmental Science & Technology (acs.org)


Quality work is not unique to senior researchers.

This year, young researchers Tan Jiecong and Liao Xinyan from Hwa Chong institute colaborated with EWAT group, their research work consisted in optimizing advanced electrochemical oxidation processes for the simultaneous removal of organic and inorganic contaminants in a textile wastewater using carbon fiber electrodes coated with graphene. The EWAT group hopes that their journey with us has been fruitful and with a lot of learning, we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.


EWAT group review paper

EWAT group is proud to present its latest scientific publication, which is product of a collaboration with the University of Lorrain in France and IER-UNAM in Mexico.
This paper is a review that proposes an insight into the prospects of electrochemistry for the treatment of highly concentrated effluents, including electrochemical water treatment strategies, engineering parameters to ensure successful upscaling of electrochemical processes in terms of modeling mass transport, charge transfer and hydrodynamics, among other interesting aspects.
EWAT group is giving away 50 free online copies of this paper, just click the link below to get your copy:

Electro-Fenton treatment of real pharmaceutical wastewater paired with a BDD anode

The members of EWAT group in collaboration with BITS Pilani Goa Campus and IER-UNAM are happy to share their latest scientific publication. In this interesting study, the synergy between electro-Fenton process and anodic oxidation with BDD electrodes was explained through the mineralization of real pharmaceutical wastewater.
This paper will have free access until September 30, 2020, do not miss the opportunity to take a look, just click on the link below:

Dr. Xu Jianxiong interviewed by the French Lab Singapore

This interview briefly presents the research activities of our research fellow Jianxiong as part of a Franco-Singaporean scientific cooperation.




Xu Jiangxiong thesis defense

Today, amid COVID-19 outbreak, Xu Jianxiong, a member of the EWAT group, had her virtual doctoral thesis defense. Jianxiong’s work focused on manufacturing and improvement of anodes to carry out wastewater treatment through photo-electrocatalysis. Part of her work was recently published in Applied Catalysis B under the title “FTO-TiO2 photoelectrocatalytic degradation of triphenyltin chloride coupled to photoelectro-Fenton: A mechanistic study”.

Our research group wishes Dr. Xu all the best enhancing the world in the same way she enhanced electrodes. Also, congratulates her for the publication in this prestigious journal and her obtained PhD.

If you are interested in Dr. Xu’s publication click the following link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0926337320303386

Unconventional electro-Fenton process operating at a wide pH range with Ni foam cathode and tripolyphosphate electrolyte

The new paper of EWAT group in collaboration with Harbin Institute of Technology, features an unconventional electro-Fenton system using tripolyphosphate (3-PP) electrolyte in order to overcome pH restrictions, which allowed a wastewater treatment process working at near-neutral pH and mineralization efficiencies of 81.5% after 2 h of treatment. If you want to read more about it, click on the following link:


EWAT group is proud of women in science and congratulates Dr. Fengxia Deng for her hard work.


Electrochemical regeneration of activated carbon

The removal of non-biodegradable organics from industrial wastewater through adsorption onto activated carbon (AC) is a simple, effective and inexpensive process; however, as with any separation technology there is a need to regenerate the exhausted material. The new research paper of EWAT group by Dr. Orlando Garcia et al., shows the electrochemical regeneration of AC in a single reactor with continuous flow, where the impact of saturation level was studied. Click the following link to read the paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0008622320301871

or contact us if you want a soft copy.

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