🎉 Wrapping Up a Year-Long Internship in Toronto, Canada! 🚀

My batch mates and I in Banff!

Remember early 2023? I was a nervous wreck, about to embark on the NUS Overseas Colleges Toronto programme. Shy, clueless, and unsure what awaited. Fast forward to today, and wow, what a ride! ✨

My year-long internship journey at Mavennet and Stablecorp Inc. has been nothing short of incredible. The projects, the teams, the experiences – they’ve all shaped me in ways I could never have imagined.

Hacking my way across North America: One highlight that still sends shivers down my spine? Traversing the continent, diving headfirst into the tech scene. ETHGlobal hackathons, Hack the North, Consensus, Collision Conf, TechCrunch Disrupt – I soaked it all in, pushing my limits and making connections that’ll last a lifetime.


Events that I went for in 2023

Beyond the buzz of events, I’ve grown as a person. My confidence has blossomed, my skills sharpened, and my perspective on the world expanded. I’ve learned to collaborate, problem-solve, and embrace the unknown. And most importantly, I’ve discovered a passion for the blockchain industry & starting a startup that burns brighter than ever.

As I leave Toronto and this program behind, I carry a suitcase full of gratitude: to the mentors who guided me, the friends who inspired me, and the experiences that molded me. Huge shout-out to: Patrick Mandic Kesem Frank Mahmoud Alkhraishi Surhud B. Zhi Hui Tai Harpreet Singh


Celebration to the end of our internship

This isn’t goodbye, it’s a “see you soon” to the next chapter. Here’s to the endless possibilities that await in 2024! 🚀✨