Unlike most Computer Science students, my journey began at the School of the Arts (SOTA). This art background instilled a unique perspective on academics. Art school nurtured a deep appreciation for the creative process, a stark contrast to the traditional emphasis on rigour. However, the realities of the Singaporean education system, with its focus on practical career paths, made pursuing art full-time a challenging proposition.

Faced with this new perspective, I began exploring potential career options. While medicine held some appeal, my passion for technology ultimately steered me towards computer science. The promise of a stable career intertwined with my interest in technology made it a compelling choice.

Entering the world of computer science, I was initially swept up in the intense focus on technical demands. My undergraduate years were marked by high expectations, both from peers and myself, to excel in the classroom and churn out flawless algorithms. Yet, amidst the pressure, a fundamental question began to simmer: what if success extended beyond flawless algorithms? A challenging project sparked a deeper reflection on the true meaning of success in computer science. During the project, I felt a disconnect between the complex algorithms we were learning in theoretical terms and the practical application of those skills in my previous internship.

My journey through the world of ones and zeros wasn’t just about mastering syntax; it was about discovering the leadership and entrepreneurial spirit that lies dormant within every aspiring techie. Like many of my peers, I might have started out focused on the technical aspects, churning out lines of code with a quiet confidence. But somewhere along the way, the classroom transformed into a launchpad, and the lines of code became blueprints for something bigger.

This reflection series, titled “Beyond the Code,” chronicles my personal metamorphosis from code warrior to student tech entrepreneur.  It’s a call to action for any STEM undergraduate who feels the entrepreneurial itch simmering beneath the surface.

In my first post, “Two Faces of Data”, I explored how big data is powerful, but it’s a double-edged sword. Initially, it was just static facts and figures. However, the focus shifted from simply extracting data to uncovering insights and crafting narratives from it. This emphasis on data storytelling revealed its potential to spark conversations and drive social understanding. In essence, data went from mere points to a powerful tool for positive change.

In my second post, “Beyond the Classroom”, I explore a pivotal moment in my career: an overseas entrepreneurial experience in Toronto. This experience helped me overcome my earlier disappointment and misconceptions from the UHB2206 assignment. The overseas experience broadened my perspective, leading to a mindset shift and a renewed, positive view of entrepreneurship. It shifted my focus from a traditional tech career to a more purpose-driven path.

In my final post, “From Quiet Confidence to Entrepreneurial Spark,” I dismantle the myth of irrelevant soft skills in tech. My exchange in Toronto showcased the power of communication and storytelling. Witnessing this, I explored how frameworks from a specific course translate into not only generating strong ideas but also navigating collaboration and bringing my startup pitch idea to life. Storytelling, for example, empowers crafting narratives that resonate with investors and collaborators.

This journey of self-discovery, while deeply personal, has yielded insights that I believe hold value for everyone. My hope is to share these lessons and paint a clearer picture of tech entrepreneurship, a world where technical and soft skills work in beautiful harmony. As you embark on your own journeys, consider venturing beyond the classroom to explore the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. Entrepreneurship, or perhaps another path within your field, could be your unique way to make a mark. Remember, the only limit is your imagination!