Embracing Entrepreneurship

As my landing page reveals, my computer science journey wasn’t linear.  Coming from an artistic background, where I thrived on experimenting with ideas and exploring new techniques, I found the initial shift to the rigorous world of computer science a stark contrast.  Countless hours spent mastering algorithms and debugging code instilled valuable technical skills, but a question began to simmer: could success in tech extend beyond flawless algorithms?

My art background, with its emphasis on creativity and exploration, didn’t disappear; it simply evolved alongside my technical skills.  While initially focused on technical aspects, churning out code with a quiet confidence, the limitations of a purely technical path became apparent.  The classroom, once solely a space for mastering algorithms, transformed into a launchpad for something bigger. Here, the lines of code became the building blocks for innovation and a chance to address real-world issues.

In this reflection, I explore the pivotal journey that redirected me from a traditional tech career towards a more purpose-driven path in entrepreneurship focused on social impact.  My experiences in the UHB2206 Leadership in a Complex World course and the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programme were not isolated events, but interconnected chapters in my personal and professional growth. Initially, UHB2206 sparked my interest in the potential of entrepreneurship for social change. However, feedback on my approach exposed limitations in my understanding of the field’s methods, particularly regarding the potential of emerging technologies. This initial disappointment fueled my desire for deeper exploration.

The NOC programme proved to be a transformative experience. It provided crucial hands-on experience and exposure to inspiring mentors. Through the NOC programme, I gained a broader perspective on the methods used in social impact entrepreneurship.  Witnessing the successful application of technology for positive change at companies like Mavennet, alongside the unwavering conviction of entrepreneurs like Kesem Frank, ultimately reshaped my perspective. The NOC programme solidified my belief in the power of combining technology and social impact for positive change.


UHB2206: Disappointment and Discovery

My initial turning point came during UHB2206, a USP module exploring the complexities of leadership in contemporary contexts. This course introduced me to the concept of entrepreneurship through the USPitch Project. In this assignment, I presented a business idea to a panel of judges, aiming to convince them of its potential to create positive social change.

My USPitch project aimed to empower my peers to take ownership of their financial future. I envisioned fostering a critical reevaluation of personal finance perspectives and potentially prompting the formation of healthy financial habits. 

While my presentation intended to spark critical thinking and open discussions, the initial reception fell short of my expectations. The feedback leaned heavily towards criticism, questioning my focus on established financial tools like Endowus, a Singapore-based digital wealth management platform known for leveraging low-cost investment products, and suggesting a shift towards emerging technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This unexpected response triggered feelings of disappointment and a sense of being misunderstood. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1. An excerpt from my UHB2206 Final Reflection about the pitch


Looking Back: A Missed Opportunity for Growth?

The judges commented that my presentation “felt like it was about Endowus” and “[a]h, Endowus, you must have seen many of the advertisements around.” For context, Endowus’s advertisements were seen almost everywhere in Singapore, from malls to MRT station doors, and video advertisements. As such, their marketing efforts seem extensive. The reference to the extensive marketing presence might suggest that they are familiar with Endowus and its promotional activities, implying a certain level of skepticism or perhaps a perception of overexposure. 

Initially, I misinterpreted the judges’ tone as condescending, and their comments about Endowus’s marketing seemed dismissive. This defensive reaction stemmed from an overly attached perspective on my initial approach.

Looking back, I realise I let my personal bias cloud my judgement. I was overly attached to my initial approach and closed myself off to alternative perspectives. For example, when questioned about incorporating emerging technologies like blockchain, I dismissed them due to my negative view. This experience taught me the importance of receiving feedback with an open mind. It’s crucial to consider different viewpoints, even those we disagree with. I should not have let my emotions get the better of me, and should have listened better. 

Despite the initial discomfort, UHB2206 ignited a spark within me, pushing me to envision myself beyond the confines of a computer science undergraduate. However, I recognize that embarking on this journey requires careful consideration.  Several questions arise: what are the potential risks involved in pursuing entrepreneurship, and am I truly equipped with the necessary skills and resilience to thrive in this challenging yet rewarding path?


Transformative Internship and Kesem Frank’s Inspiration

Fueled by a desire to gain further insights and address the limitations exposed by the UHB2206 feedback, I actively sought out opportunities to explore entrepreneurship further. The NOC programme, designed to provide students with hands-on experience in the entrepreneurial world, seemed like the perfect next step. Hoping it would equip me with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the exciting yet uncertain world of entrepreneurship, I applied and was fortunate enough to be selected.

In the following semester, the NOC programme provided a transformative experience. Through the programme, I landed a software engineering internship at Mavennet, a blockchain venture studio in Toronto, Canada. This internship extended beyond technical demands, allowing me to witness entrepreneurship in action. I interacted with inspiring serial entrepreneurs who embodied a relentless pursuit of their visions and unwavering conviction in their endeavours.

As part of my NOC programme experience, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into Kesem’s story through a case study. (see Figure 2) This involved interviewing him to understand the motivations behind his decision to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. The case study revealed Kesem’s desire to be “at the forefront” and contribute to the “exponential growth of [blockchain]”—a clear demonstration of his unwavering commitment and passion. As such, he decided to leave his job at Deloitte to start his own venture. 

Figure 2. An excerpt from my NOC business case study

Kesem’s story resonated deeply because it defied the conventional career path often ingrained in Singaporean culture. Here was a successful individual who dared to leave the stability of Deloitte for an uncertain venture driven by his unwavering conviction in entrepreneurship. This bold move contrasted sharply with the emphasis on stability and security that often dominates cultural norms.  Witnessing his commitment solidified my understanding that the potential rewards of creating positive change can outweigh the inherent risks of entrepreneurship.

Kesem’s unwavering passion for blockchain technology and its potential for social good further instilled a sense of confidence in me. If someone with such an established career could take such a leap, I began to believe I could approach calculated risks with a similar level of determination, especially when pursuing a purpose-driven path.  His story became a testament to the power of embracing uncertainty.  Venturing into the unknown world of blockchain startups demonstrated a willingness to learn and adapt in a constantly evolving environment. This resonated with me, as I began to see uncertainty not as a barrier but as an opportunity for growth and innovation.


From Doubt to Determination: A Renewed Vision

Initially, UHB2206 ignited a passion for social impact entrepreneurship, but critical feedback left me questioning its practicality. My desire for hands-on experience led me to the NOC programme, where inspiring mentors like Kesem Frank provided a powerful counterpoint to the risk-averse Singaporean stereotype. Witnessing Kesem’s entrepreneurial journey, particularly his leap from stability to pursue a social mission, challenged my own risk tolerance and redefined my vision for the future.

I feel that now I am no longer confined to the traditional tech career path.  This experience has instilled in me a renewed sense of purpose. I now see myself at the intersection of technology and social impact, leveraging my computer science background to address pressing societal issues through impactful ventures.  Embracing new experiences, even those that bring initial setbacks like the UHB2206 feedback, has proven to be a powerful catalyst for growth.  With a solid foundation in technology and a renewed sense of purpose, I am confident in my ability to make a positive impact on the world.


What’s next? 

In my next and final post, “From Quiet Confidence to Entrepreneurial Spark,” I dismantle myth of irrelevant soft skills in tech. My exchange at the University of Toronto was a revelation.  Unlike the more technical focus in Singapore, I was surrounded by students who were not only brilliant but also exceptional communicators and storytellers.  Their ability to weave compelling narratives around complex ideas left a lasting impression.  This experience sparked a deep dive into a specific course – the University of Toronto’s 1-to-1 marketing course. This course wasn’t just about textbook theories; it provided practical frameworks for crafting impactful stories or narratives. I learned how to not only generate strong ideas but also navigate collaboration and bring them to life. Storytelling. For example, we learn to craft narratives that resonate with investors and collaborators – a skill I witnessed firsthand in Toronto. In this final piece, I reveal the unexpected skills honed during my exchange that are crucial for myself and any aspiring tech entrepreneur.