Aomori Global Advance Project 2020

Aomori Global Advance Project 2020 is a collaborative project among the
following municipalities of Aomori Prefecture, Japan: Mutsu city, Aomori city,
Sotogahama town, Hirosaki city, Kuroishi city, Misawa city and Hirakawa city.
These cities and towns are situated in Aomori prefecture, right below Hokkaido.
Bestowed with bountiful gifts from nature, Aomori is home to a wealth of fresh
food resources from the rich mountains, seas and rivers. Aomori’s profound and
time-honored traditions are also precious treasures of the prefecture.

For detailed information on the Programme, please see the files below.







Programme Schedule


Application Form


IHS (Integrated Human Sciences Programme for Cultural Diversity) Scholarship Programme at University of Tokyo, 2020

This program is designed for students who have strong interests in Japanese society and culture with advance level of Japanese proficiency. The participants will carry out a project with the graduate students of the IHS (Integrated Human Sciences Programme for Cultural Diversity) Programme of the University of Tokyo and present the outcomes at the University of Tokyo Komaba campus in Japanese. This will provide opportunities not only to use the Japanese language, but also to have hands-on cultural experiences, and to gain new perspectives about Japanese society and culture.

Application period is from 13 to 17 January. Successful applicants who have been selected will be notified via email by January 27.
Enquiries e-mail Dr Walker at with the subject of U of Tokyo.

Further information on the Programme

University of Tokyo_2020_Poster

Application Form

University of Tokyo_Application_Form2020

Summer Programme at Juntendo University 2020

Note: Summer Programme at Juntendo University 2020 is cancelled due to Covid-19.

Summer Programme at Juntendo University 2020 will be held from May 22 (Fri.) to June 14 (Sun.)  2020. It’s about 3 weeks of Japanese-Language Study Programme, Exchange Programme with university students and people of the neighboring community, Social Program in Tokyo.

For more detail, please see PDF.


To apply, please fill in the form and submit to Ms Morita.
