Picture Atlas

Here you can find quick self-tests with snapshots of cases showing classical cytologic features. Check your impression against the annotated pictures!







6 thoughts on “Picture Atlas

  1. Hi, I just want to say you have a wonderful website with a few unique features – your cyto shorts is a great great idea and talking cells is….is….is also a great idea. Keep up the great work!

  2. wonderful site, thank you. I am unableto see any images on clicking FLUID CYTOLOGY on this page titled PICTURE ATLAS.

    • Hello! Thank you for the kind comments! We are still in the process of building up the page, hence it is not ready yet. It will be uploaded once its ready!

  3. Hello, I am from Chile so my english isn´t good but I want to say I LOVE this page! Waiting for gynaecologic citology

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