September 2020: A heavy chest mass

Clinical history: A 25-year-old man presented with chest discomfort, reduced effort tolerance and symptoms of vena cava obstruction. Imaging revealed a 15 cm anterior mediastinal mass. A frozen section was performed, and an imprint of the fresh specimen is shown.


  • Dual cell population: Large malignant cells and smaller lymphocytes
  • Malignant cells: dyshesive, large nuclei, prominent nucleoli with smooth outlines, pale cytoplasm
  • Occasional plasma cells present (helpful discriminant against lymphoma)
  • Scattered poorly formed granulomas
  • Tigroid background on air-dried smears (important distinctive feature, indicative of glycogen-rich lesional cells)


Differential diagnoses:

    • Large cell lymphoma
      • Smaller cell size relative to other malignancies, coarse chromatin, irregular nuclear membranes
      • No prominent nucleoli
      • Plentiful lymphoglandular bodies 
      • Lack of tigroid background
    • Germ cell tumour (Seminoma/Germinoma)
      • Relatively large malignant cells with prominent nucleoli, cytoplasm may be abundant
      • Tigroid background 
    • Thymoma
      • Dual population: bland epithelial cells and lymphocytes
      • Minimal nuclear atypia i.e. fine chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli
        • Beware of cellular atypia in Type B3 thymoma and thymic carcinoma

Morphologic pitfalls:

  • Scattered lymphoglandular bodies may be seen in seminoma – these may also come from the admixed lymphocytes in the background
  • In seminoma, several chromocentres may be seen in the nuclei, simulating typical coarse chromatin of large cell lymphoma
  • On rare occasions, cells of large cell lymphoma may be very large


Confirmatory immunohistochemistry:


Case writer: Dr Noel Chia

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