OS Lab Account Assignment

Please refer to the table below for your personal OS lab account. The first column shows the last four characters of your matriculation number. The second column shows an integer X. Your username to login into your personal OS lab account is userX. The password is also userX.

For example, if the second column shows X is 234, then your userid is user234 and your password is user234.

Remember, you need to do two things immediately after logging in (please refer to previous post https://blog.nus.edu.sg/cs2106/2011/08/26/os-lab-accounts/): (i) change your password using yppasswd, (ii) disable caching in Firefox.

0028    38
006R    52
008M    53
016X    134
017R    34
019B    82
034N    54
036L    55
039E    56
053M    57
056U    113
064J    58
064R    114
065J    39
071E    83
072Y    102
075X    84
076W    85
080E    86
080U    112
082J    59
087W    104
091L    40
093X    87
096X    60
098U    61
098W    132
099M    115
101X    62
102N    116
103U    63
104R    64
105N    65
106L    117
109L    41
113R    66
117J    67
119R    118
121U    68
122H    119
124M    69
125L    70
125R    120
127R    105
134B    121
136H    71
143E    88
148H    135
156E    136
178H    122
181A    31
182J    123
201Y    42
208Y    109
209L    110
217L    133
222L    72
269Y    99
271R    33
278E    124
292H    35
294U    73
311W    125
339E    126
344U    127
358X    111
359Y    100
378N    23
380A    24
385Y    141
389L    25
393J    101
394U    26
395W    142
397M    27
400R    28
402M    29
405M    43
408B    30
411U    44
413L    21
442W    137
487N    22
541B    89
541L    45
548J    92
569R    46
571H    103
581N    93
667E    94
695A    95
702A    32
704W    96
707E    36
709Y    138
710R    139
741R    140
741X    90
749U    37
751B    143
759U    144
762J    145
776B    146
777M    147
778Y    148
786R    106
789H    149
794N    107
796A    91
804A    150
807U    20
813H    108
817E    128
818R    129
819A    130
820W    131
820Y    151
823J    152
825H    153
830B    74
830W    154
839Y    155
841A    156
842W    75
848J    157
860W    76
862H    158
864E    159
865E    97
874B    160
877L    161
881M    162
894N    47
910X    98
922W    163
924B    48
929B    164
929J    77
932R    165
957R    166
964A    167
964L    78
971N    79
975L    168
978B    80
983J    169
989X    81
996J    49
997H    50
998E    51
999Y    170

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