
Here is the list of sections from the textbook that I plan to cover over this semester.

Please note that:

  • I do not cover the sections in order.
  • I may remove some sections later if time is an issue.
  • Chapter 1
    • 1.1 What is the Internet?
    • 1.2 The Network Edge
    • 1.3 The Network Core
    • 1.4 Delay, Loss, and Throughout (exclude 1.4.2).
    • 1.5 Protocol Layers and Their Service Models
    • 1.6 Networks Under Attack
  • Chapter 2
    • 2.1 Principles of Network Applications
    • 2.2 The Web and HTTP
    • 2.5 DNS — The Internet’s Directory Service
  • Chapter 3 of KR
    • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.2 Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
    • 3.3 Connectionless Transport: UDP
    • 3.4 Principles of Reliable Data Transfer
    • 3.5 Connection-oriented Transport: TCP (exclude 3.5.3)
  • Chapter 4 of KR.
    • 4.1 Introduction
    • 4.4 The Internet Protocol (IP) (exclude 4.4.4, 4.4.5)
    • 4.5 Routing Algorithms
    • 4.6.1 Intra-AS Routing in the Internet: RIP
  • Chapter 5
    • 5.1 Link Layer: Introduction and Services
    • 5.2 Error Detection and Correction Techniques
    • 5.3 Multiple Access Protocols (but skip efficiency analysis)
    • 5.4 Switched Local Area Networks (exclude 5.4.4)
    • 5.7 A Day in the Life of a Web Page Request
  • Chapter 6
    • 6.1 Introduction
    • 6.3.1 The 802.11 Architecture
    • 6.3.2 The 802.11 MAC Protocol
  • Chapter 8
    • 8.1 What is Network Security?
    • 8.2 Principles of Cryptography (exclude 8.2.1)
    • 8.2.2 Public Key Encryption (exclude RSA and subsequent paragraphs)
    • 8.3 Message Integrity and Digital Signatures
    • 8.4 End-Point Authentication
    • 8.6 Securing TPC Connections: SSL (exclude 8.6.2)
    • 8.7 Network-Layer Security: IPsec and VPN (exclude 8.7.5)
    • 8.9 Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems

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