Category Archives: screencast
Screencast 11
Screencast 10
I am sorry that the first 10 minutes of the lecture was not recorded. You did not miss much though.
(This is my 100-th video on Vimeo!)
Screencast 9
Screencast 8
Screencast 7
Lecture 6: Bonus Video on ICMP
Screencast 6
Lecture 5 (Bonus Material)
Here is a “DVD” Extra” for Lecture 5 and the Excel sheet used.
Screencast 5
Screencast 4
Lecture 3 (Leftover): UDP Socket Programming
I have shown you how to code a networked application that runs over TCP using Java socket programming API.
To complete the picture, please take a look at this video, from Semester 2 of last AY, that illustrates how to write a socket program over UDP. While you won’t need to code UDP program in CS2105, seeing how a UDP socket API is written and how a UDP program is used, would allow you to contrast the differences between TCP and UDP.