Please book your slots for Q&A here.
Here are the rules:
- Each team will indicate the one-hour slots where both team members are available, from which we will allocate 5 minutes for each team.
- We will need to stick to the clock exactly, so you must come on time and end on time.
- We will randomly ask each student to explain a random part of the code. Your answer will constitute 2 marks of your individual Assignment 1’s grade.
- If you missed your slot or is late, there will be no rescheduling and no extra time.
- Both team members must show up on the same time slot.
- At the doodle site, in the column that says “Your Name”, please enter the matriculation numbers of both team members.
- You will receive an email confirming your slots. Further schedule will be updated in another blog post.
- The last slot will be 6pm, 5 March, 2014. After this time, no further booking online possible.
Where is the Q&A going to be held?
If with me, then my office. If with Saeid, in various location in SoC (depending no room availability).