Assignment 1

Here is your first assignment. You may download the PDF version of Assignment 1 here. You have three weeks to complete this assignment in a team of two. The assignment is due on 21 February 2014. Some word of advice:

  1. Start early. Plan your time properly.
  2. Write your own code. Do not copy from your class mates.
  3. Read the description carefully. It is long, but is full of useful information. The assignment is rather straight forward once you understand what to do.
  4. Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.
  5. Ask for help from teaching staff if you have questions.

30 comments to Assignment 1

  1. Altron says:

    Hi! I currently have no partner. Would appreciate if someone pairs up with me. I’m a yr4 Stats Major, minoring in CS! Drop me a mail!

  2. Li Anna says:

    I am a 3rd year student studying IS who is also looking for a partner. Send me an email or message me at 97277950.

  3. Huang zhanxiang says:

    Dear Prof,
    I have tried to ssh to the host given in the PDF file after establishing SoC-VPN connection. But “permission denied” message still came out.
    How can I fix this problem?

    Best Regard,
    Huang zhanxiang

    • Ooi Wei Tsang says:


      Let me check with our IT helpdesk. Anyone else have the same issue?

      • Ooi Wei Tsang says:

        I got the following from the helpdesk.

        Dear Prof Ooi,

        So far, there is no one feedback about it.

        However, Newtork Team has updated the SoC-VPN configuration file for students and staff in SoCVPN setup guide in Jan 2014.

        The configuration files are different from the previous. Please go through the steps and download the new SoCVPN configuration file again.

        They also advise to follow the mentioned document information which the tunnelblick still beta version for MAC OS 10.9.


        • Huang zhanxiang says:

          Dear Prof,
          I’ve updated the configuration files but it still doesn’t work.
          It seems that the prblem is probably not related to the SocVPN because I can connect to the database of the other SoC module using SoCVPN. Also, my frineds tried to ssh to the host in SoC but stil in the same situation like me. We can see the files in the host but cannot do any operation as “permission denied” occurred.

      • Ooi Wei Tsang says:

        The technical helpdesk has also offered to help if you are still not able to ssh into cs2105-z after updating SoC-VPN. You can email them at

  4. gaorisheng says:

    Dear Prof,
    I have tried to use SSH to access and the SSH give me successful response.(P.S access to is successful and i can view my files under home directory) And I am not able to find any file under the home directory. Also I tried to use soc-vpn and its status is connected successfully to socvpn and the web-browser give me ‘connection fail’ response. May I know how it will cause this issue? If this problem cannot be fixed, i am not able to do my assignment 1 since I cannot even access to SOC. Could you please help me? Thank you very much.

  5. Bryan Chu says:

    Hi Prof,
    Not sure how to do the steps under the portion titled “Your cs2105-z Account”.
    Currently I am able to connect to the network using my UNIX id and password, and I am in the following directory when I key in “pwd”:

    What does the instruction to put files inside directory a1 under home directory ($HOME/a1) mean? It seems that I cannot change directory to /home

    Entering the line : “cp -r ~sadm/a1”
    also yields the response cp: Insufficient arguments

    Please Advise.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Bryan Chu

  6. Xie Chenhong says:

    Are we allowed to use some libraries to parse multi-part data? If so, are there any restrictions or any appointed recommendations?

    Thank you in advanced :)

  7. Debopam Sengupta says:

    I am an exchange student here and can someone tell me how to SSH to the server from Windows? I tried using a SSH client like Putty, didn’t work. It asks me for username and password and refuses to accept it, even though I’m using the same SoC password as I use to log on to the website.
    Could someone help ? Otherwise I can’t access the files.

    • Ooi Wei Tsang says:

      Which website are you referring to?

      Can you ssh into using the same username/password?

      • Debopam Sengupta says:

        I tried to run the script via the on my Linux. However, it showed a syntax error:
        “./ 2: ./ Syntax error: “(” unexpected”

        I also got a similar error message even when I tried to run the Perl script normally.

        Could you please suggest what to do ? Also, I am not sure how to display the list when the request has GET / with no parameters. Should I run the Perl script to display something ? Or does the Perl script update the TODO file given to us, and we output contents of TODO file ?


        • Ooi Wei Tsang says:

          You need to run it with /usr/bin/perl, like this:


          An alternative to prevent calling /usr/bin/perl every time is to add the line
          #!/usr/bin/perl as the first line of

  8. Kuek Shao Ning says:

    Hi Prof,

    I cannot seem to ssh to cs2105-z or even sunfire these few days. I tried pinging and got request timed out. Is it down?

  9. Lee Yiu Hei says:

    Dear Prof.,
    I am still receiving “permission denied”(i used SOC VPN and able to ssh sunfire) and i have sent email already with no reply, what should i do if i still get “permission denied” tommorow?

    • Ooi Wei Tsang says:

      Hi Yiu Hei, did you just create your SoC UNIX account recently? If so, you need to login to cs2105-z and copy the a1 files from ~sadm to start the assignment. Your cs2105-z home directory should be created now.

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