Assignment 0

Assignment 0 is an ungraded programming exercise for warming up towards your Assignments 1 and 2. You may download the PDF version of Assignment 0 here. The exercise is intentionally not well defined. It is meant to introduce you to some Java classes that you will be using in CS2105. So, play around with the classes, code as much as you like, go crazy, and have fun!

2 comments to Assignment 0

  1. a0112084 says:

    Dear Prof,

    I have found out an error in the pdf file and I think that I should point it out.

    Under the “Calling an External Program”
    The program syntax should be:
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“cp output.txt backup.txt”);

    instead of
    Runtime.getRuntime.exec(“cp output.txt backup.txt”);


    Best Regards,
    Chan Jun Wei

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