This blog serves as the main Web site for CS2105, containing tutorials, lecture slides, labs, screencasts, and general announcement about CS2105. From time-to-time, we might post interesting tidbits, bookmarks, and news related to CS2105. You are also free to make comments, ask questions, answer questions, raise issues, etc. through the blog. The blog serves as a replacement for IVLE’s workbin, announcement, and forum.
As the blog will be frequently updated (sometimes with important announcements), you should check the blog frequently for the latest updates. Two easier options to keep yourself up to date are (i) subscribe to the blog update via email (at the top of the sidebar), in which case you will receive an email everytime the blog is updated, (ii) subscribe to the blog RSS feeds, in which case you can use any RSS reader (e.g., Google Reader, Thunderbird) to read the blog’s feed along with other websites you are interested in.
For printing a particular page or post, I find the Evernote Clearly bookmarklet useful.
The first class of CS2105 will be on Monday, 13 January 2014, in LT15. See you there!