Effects of a Marine Oil Spill on the Environment

Hello Explorers,

Continuing from yesterday’s entry about marine oil spills. We have seen a short story about an oil spill that happened in Singapore over 23years ago. Oil spills are more common occurences than we perceive, which is not a good thing. What happens to the ocean after an oil spill? How does the oil react with water?

If we recall from elementary school science, oil and water do not mix. The oil floats on top of water, which means it traps any gaseous exchange between the atmosphere and the water. This reduces the oxygen level at least at the shallow depth below the oil layer.

Here’s a quick video for you guys on the effects of an oil spill on the environment!

How do we clean oil spills?


Emerging oil spill clean up technology that could speed things up, creating minimal residual environmental damage

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